Pop Quiz: Worst Exercise
Pop Quiz: What is the worst exercise ever?
B) Sprints
C) Chasing after toddler in the supermarket while pregnant, or chasing toddler anytime.
D) Weighted planks with rows
Answer: Planks with rows.
What do you think the worst exercise is?
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Mountain climbers as a means of teaching listening skills LOL.
LOL. I’m Listening! I’m Listening! STOP!!!
I kind of like planks with rows. Did some of those today with alternating leg lifts. Burpees are the devil.
You do the leg lifts too? Damn, you go girl!
Oh it wasn’t by choice – It was my 30 Day Shred DVD with Jillian Michaels. But hey, at least I rocked ’em!
Burpees…at the end of a workout that you don’t feel you can do anymore…
Ending on burpees…that’s just mean.
Lol. I vote for ‘C’. It’s even worse when they’re laughing at you while you chase them!
LOL! Yes, I too have been mocked by my toddlers.
I love planks with weighted rows, call me crazy, sprints have got to be the worst, burpees are up there as well. Chasing a toddler while pregnant? Never had to do it, sounds like a real challenge. YIKES!
Hmm. A lot of love for the planks with weighted rows out there. Maybe I’m just being a baby about it. Will try to be happier about it next time.
Weighted lunges. I don’t know what it is because I usually love anything that burns bad, but I just hate weighted lunges! Never tried chasing a toddler in a supermarket while pregnant though. 🙂
Agree! Weighted lunges SUCK!!! (Remember – I used to do 400 a day with a 50 lb. bar on my back…)
Pass! Lol
jump squats and rowing machine
Oooh…forgot about jump squats. Those are horrible too!
Running after that toddler 🙂 The others are child’s play 🙂
True dat!