Now…About that Secret…

SecretWe’re half way through July.  Wow!  Time flies when you’re procrastinating!  Now, I know I said that I would be telling you about my Top Secret thing by the end of the month, but then I got to thinking…

Let’s make this a win-win situation.  Sure, you could wait until July 31, but what if you could find out my covert information earlier?  Well, my FB page has 915 “likes”, which means I’m only 85 likes away from reaching 1,000.  So, if just 85 of you nice readers could volunforce your friends to like my page, well then I’ll post my hush-hush news earlier.

To reiterate:

I will tell my secret when I reach 1,000 FB page likes or by July

Of course, that’s a pretty big build up.  I mean, what if I tell you my big secret and you’re like, big whoop?  To put this in perspective, my clandestine news isn’t revealing the intricacies of what Snowden knows or disclosing the winner of the next Super Bowl (NY Giants), but it is pretty juicy.

Like, if you were grocery shopping and you saw your friend in the produce aisle and you said, “Hey!” and then you leaned in and used a hushed tone and then said, “Did you hear about Lisa?” it would be like knowing one of those secrets.

Enough about that.  Right now, you’re probably asking yourself, what’s in this post for me?  Well, here is some:

Useful Information:

Studying for NASM CPT exam
Studying for NASM CPT exam

Are you studying for a continuing education credit?  Or do your kids have a hard time remembering math?  Here is a scientific based study trick to help.

Study the material in different locations.

Old theory was to set up a single study area, like your kitchen table, but the new theory is to study the same material in various locations, as your brain maps the changes in each setting along with the study material.  Since the information has additional coding attached to it you are more likely to retain this information.  For more information, check out this article in the NY Times:  Forget What You Know About Good Study Habits.

In summary:

  1. Study in various locations
  2. Ask 85 friends to like my page so I’ll dish my secret earlier.

Do any of you have useful tidbits of information to share?  Clearly, it does not have to be related to health or fitness, as this entire post has just run amok.

Lisa ;) (c) 2013 Lisa Traugott.  All rights reserved.  No portion of this blog, including any text, photographs, and artwork, may be reproduced or copied without written permission.

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