Weekly Check-In

How’s your 30 Day Challenge coming along?

Challenge yourself!
Challenge yourself!

I’m not going to lie, this past week was tough.  If you’re hungry and angry you’re hangry.  If your sleepy and angry you’re slangry.  If you’re hangry and slangry it means your in competition prep.Hangry

Here’s how I did with my goals this week:

1. Do all the registration paperwork for Texas State NaturalsStatus: DoneTexas State Natural Championship

If you live in Austin and wanted to see the prejudging/night show here’s the info:

Hays Performing Arts Center
979 Kohler’s Crossing Rd
Kyle, TX 78640

Saturday, October 17, 2015 from 9:00 AM to 10:00 PM (CDT)

Tickets:  Texas State Naturals

2. Continue with the squats and clean eats.  Status:  Meh.

I did the squats (plus some really difficult workouts) this week, but I didn’t cut down my carbs like I was supposed to.  Robin, my trainer, was not happy with my weigh in and accused me of being complacent.  In my defense it’s not that I’m complacent, I just really, really like pancakes and strawberries way more than fish and green beans, which is what I’m eating today.  Now that I’m really focused, I should reach my mark by Sunday. #Hangry  #Slangry #Competitionprep

Fish, green beans, almonds and a li'l pumpkin #hellooctober
Fish, green beans, almonds and a li’l pumpkin #hellooctober

3.  Videotape my posing.  Trying to do a selfie in a gym locker room is bad enough.  I had to get creative for the video project so I wasn’t cutting off half my body or filming it upside down.  The biggest thing I noticed was that I have to relax my hands, which make a claw thing.  I don’t think the Captain Hook look is going to win me any trophies.

So now we’re coming down the homestretch!  Next week starts the last #peakweek of the season for me.  I can’t wait to mix up my training and food during the off season.  But for now, it’s time to focus this last week like a lioness focuses on her prey before she pounces.

  1. Carb-deplete.  My apologies in advance if the blog posts next week are cranky and I will be tired and a little dippy.
  2. Reps, reps, reps!  The more I practice my posing the more confident I become.  It actually helps calm my nerves.
  3. Compete.  You never know who will stand next to you, but I do know that I will show up prepared.

How about you?  How are your fitness goals going?  Take the time this weekend to re-energize and kill it next week.  Roar!

Stay healthy,

Lisa 🙂

Lisa Traugott is a Mom’s Choice Award winning writer, fitness blogger, wife and mom of two.

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ShesLosingIt.com (c) 2012-2015 Lisa Traugott. All rights reserved. No portion of this blog, including any text, photographs, video, and artwork, may be reproduced or copied without written permission.

4 thoughts on “Weekly Check-In

  1. I am doing well Lisa! I am losing weight, have started back at pole and have been on regular walks each day with Mark and doing these sprints for a few minutes on the walk. (we live on monster hills! and these are excellent at getting me to the “i can’t walk another step” feeling!) I haven’t eaten any chocolate and have very little cravings for sweet stuff. I have tried the tiniest bit of cake (it made it’s way out of the freezer! but i chose a day where we would have to share with friends!) So check in is going well!!

  2. Sweetheart, you CAN do this! You are in the homestretch! let’s get it, let’s keep Robin happy, and you’ll be able to look back at this season as giving 110%. You look amazing! You’re cut, well muscled and rocking it! Thanks for being my inspiration! I’ve lost 3.2 lb this week. The diet tweaks and extra bit of cardio and 15-20 extra minutes of sleep (at 4.75-5.5 hrs now!) are helping!

    1. Thanks, Viv 🙂 You are really beginning to look svelte again, and you look so much happier too. I’m glad you are getting your mojo back!

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