4 Tips to Avoid the Flu
Ah, the cold and flu season is upon us. How do I know? Because everyone in my family but me looked like the scene from the Exorcist this weekend. I spent my time disinfecting everything, washing my hands every 30 seconds and praying to God that I would not get what they had. Keep your fingers crossed…
Anyway, they are all napping now, so I thought I’d post some tips from WebMD:
4 Ways to Avoid Catching — and Spreading — the Flu Virus (from WebMD)
It starts with a tickle, a prickle, an itch: Achoo! Cover up that sneeze to avoid spreading flu germs. Here’s the latest tip on how to cover up the right way.
Scrubbing germy hands is one of the top tips for preventing spread of the flu. So is a quick splash-and-dash all you need?
Rubbing your eyes, nose, or mouth is a sure-fire way to get the flu. But how long are surfaces contagious?
4. Good Health Beats the Flu: The Power of Healthy Habits
When you’re in good health, your immune system is stronger. So keep yourself in top health this flu season — and throughout next year! Here are five healthy habits to get hooked on.
Also – it’s not listed here but I’m going to get a flu shot. I seriously do not want what they have!
Stay healthy,
Sheslosingit.net (c) 2012 Lisa Traugott. All rights reserved. No portion of this blog, including any text, photographs, and artwork, may be reproduced or copied without written permission.
These tips can definitely prevent the flu from spreading, because it can get pretty nasty if you catch it!
I lucked out and was the sole healthy person. Let’s hear it for supplements and clean eating!