The Covid-19 Pound Weight Gain

My friends and I have been texting each other and have noted several things:
- Working from home and homeschooling is a bad combination
- The “Tiger King” seems like a micro-version of the coronavirus in the United States (“Wow – it’s novel and kind of interesting,” to “WTF?” to “Well that turned dark fast!” to “These people are all criminals and will hurt people.”)
- We are all gaining weight in quarantine.
Well, of course we are all gaining weight (myself definitely included). Our cortisol levels are spiking due to stress, which increases the glucose (sugars) in our bloodstream. It also makes us crave foods like sugar and carbs and makes it harder for us to burn fat.
You want to talk about stress? My husband played an auto message from our internet provider in that robo-voice that said, “Li-sa Trau-gott, due to system overload caused by Covid-19 quarantine use your internet access will shut down at noon today for the next 72 hours to do necessary repairs.” This was at 11:30. Holy $#@! My daughter scrambled to download her homework from Google Classroom, I raced to scan tax paperwork that had to be sent that day, my son went to save all his video game scores, then my husband saunters by and says, “April Fools!”
I was so ready to punch him. He got one of our tenants who is a techie to record the robo-message. The two of them were laughing their asses off on the speaker phone at how bad they punked us. My cortisol level shot so high I swear I gained 3 pounds.
The joke is on my husband though; I’m the only one who knows where the secret stash of toilet paper is located. #Karma
Quarantine has been so weird. At home with literally nowhere to go, I’ve discovered the lure of Netfix. And to be sure, “The Tiger King” is a documentary to be viewed in the presence of chip, dip and beer going down my throat.

Also, I’ve eaten more pasta in the past three weeks than I’ve eaten in the past 12 years. My body is so confused.
So, yeah, I’ve been gaining weight, but right now fitting into a bikini (or my jeans) comfortably is not my top priority. You can wear pajama bottoms on Zoom and no one would know.
I’m just going to focus on making sure my family avoids Covid-19 to the best of our abilities, and getting through the pandemic months. The gym and kale will be waiting on the other side for us.
Hope you are all staying safe and healthy. Hang in there!
Lisa 😉
Lisa Traugott is a personal trainer, Mom’s Choice Award writer, original cast member of FOX/John Cena’s “American Grit” and has a monthly fitness column on She won Ms. Costa Rica Sports Model 2017 and her transformation story was featured in Muscle & Fitness Hers, Good Day Austin, Great Day Houston and Austin Woman Magazine. She blogs at and is passionate about her clients. (c) 2012-2020 Lisa Traugott. All rights reserved. No portion of this blog, including any text, photographs, video, and artwork, may be reproduced or copied without written permission.
KUDOS to Henri! LOLOL Best prank ever!!! You know I would totally be in on it too 😉
Cheese puffs, Jerseygirl Salted Pretzel Chocolate bars, and cranberry juice and seltzer water over ice with Netflix, Disney+, Hulu, Amazon, and the full fios thing that mom and dad have in the house. With a side of TMJ added on for the stress that I can’t relieve with riding horses.