Disgusted? #MeToo

It seems like you can’t look on your smart phone without seeing the latest high-powered man behaving badly. The list includes Hollywood big shots, politicians, comedians, journalists, researchers, shit – there’s even an article about sexual harassment in Antarctica! Is no continent safe from horny men with power issues?
I mean, I guess I could pretend that I’m shocked, but I’m a woman, so of course I know this shit goes on; OFTEN. In fact I’ve starting playing sexual misconduct BINGO. Did a manager masturbate to your presence? Check. Did someone grope you while you were sleeping? Check. Did an ex-president grab your ass in front of your mother? Well, he wasn’t a president but some guy did grab my ass on the subway when I was 16. I told my mom about it after the fact. Anyway, BINGO!
I’m still waiting for someone to share their own story about a man trying to go up her skirt under the table while she was a) pregnant and b) sitting next to her husband and c) across from his wife (that happened to #MeToo). Now mind you, this is just the harassment stuff at work, not lower-level BS like catcalls, being chased by men down an alley or having someone rub his erection on your leg while standing on a train. It also isn’t sexual assault, which I’ve written about before.
When the Harvey Weinstein story first broke I had male relatives question the claims, and then when I mentioned my own experiences they said that I should have taken it as a compliment – that I was pretty. So…yuck. All the women coming out with their personal #MeToo stories of Hell just confirms to the male public-at-large the reality that women (particularly young women from ages 16 – 25) have known about forever.
I’m particularly furious about all the pedophiles whom have been outed, specifically Kevin Spacey with a 14-year-old boy and Roy Moore (Alabama Republican running for the Senate) with a 14–year-old girl. They’ve each had multiple people come forward since the original accusers came out.
I didn’t think it was possible to top Spacey’s “oh, by the way I’m gay” defense, until I heard one of the defenders of Roy More, who has no problem whatsoever with the pedophile thing, because as he told the Washington Examiner that’s what Jesus’ parents would do. “Also, take Joseph and Mary. Mary was a teenager and Joseph was an adult carpenter. They became the parents of Jesus.”
That’s wrong on so many levels. Aside from the fact that she was called THE VIRGIN MARY and Jesus is the son of God (Immaculate Conception), do you really think it’s a good idea to compare someone accused of child molestation to the Holy family? Also, and I’m not making this up, a woman said he hit on her when she was a 14-year-old playing an elf at the Santa display at the Gadsden mall. #NoMooreMerryChristmas
My first hope is that all these personal stories coming out will serve as a wake up call to men in positions of power to stop acting like pigs. These jerks are making the other guys look bad.
My second hope is that the good guys feel motivated/empowered to speak up on behalf of the women in their lives. Not because they are your daughters or whatever, but because they are human beings and don’t deserve to be treated like that. If you see something, say something.
My final hope is that more women will start actively pursuing positions of power, and that’s on us. Women are half the population, yet there are only 21 female Senators (21%), in business, there are only 32 CEOs of Fortune 500 companies (6.4%) and in Hollywood only 7% of directors on the top 250 grossing movies are women. If you ever thought about running for elected office, starting your own business or making your own film – go for it. So someday our daughters can say, “You’re President? #MeToo.”
Lisa 😉
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Lisa Traugott is a Mom’s Choice Award winning writer, published author, fitness blogger, wife and mom of two….and Original Cast Member of AMERICAN GRIT, starring John Cena, on FOX!
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