Competition Prep Update

Can I tell you a secret? I’m so deliriously happy that I’m not doing a bodybuilding bikini competition until July!!! I usually do competitions April, May and June and it’s a challenge to lose weight so soon after Christmas.
This year I gave myself seven months of prep time to really ease into it and focus on lifting heavier and I’m much more cheerful as a result.
Right now my biggest challenge is finding enough time in the day. (Raise your hand if you have this issue too…). I usually wake up super early to get my cardio done and then do strength training at 5am, so by 6am my fitness routine is done. But now that I have some morning clients, that means I either have to wake up at 3am (which I actually do sometimes) or split up my workouts into twice a day.

Yesterday was one of those days. I trained a client at 5am, got my son ready for school at 6:30am, and did cardio in my garage mixed in with dumbbell work around 8am while my daughter, Rylee, did her grammar work. (I homeschool her.)
After that I showered, we finished up her English, math, and history lessons, and then went to her gymnastics class. At 2pm I gave a client a posing lesson, picked up my son from his school, worked on taxes, made dinner, and then went to Math Night.
Around this time my trainer, Robin, sent me a text asking if I had done my strength training workout yet. Busted! So my husband put the kids to bed for me (let’s hear it for husbands!) and I headed over to the gym to finish leg day.

Beyond time management Tetris, the next hardest thing for me is to consistently eat clean. That means measuring out all my carbs and prepping my meals twice a week. Sometimes I feel like a damned bunny rabbit with as much greens as I eat.

Next weekend I’ll be going to Houston to take a Musclemania/Fitness Universe posing workshop, which will be fun. Their poses are different from NPC and NFF so I like to see what other people are doing.
My bikini has been ordered and it will be ready by June. This year I’m wearing purple. I still haven’t chosen my sports themed costume yet. I’ve seen people go all sorts of different ways with it: Harley Quinn, cowgirl, sports bra and booty shorts, football player, Vegas showgirl with feathers, I mean those costumes are all over the map.

The competition is going to be in Costa Rica, so I’m not sure if I should research sports popular in that country or just come up with my own idea. I’m leaning towards cowgirl, ’cause, you know, Texas.
I still have to get passports for me and the kids!!! I’m just going to get it done on Friday. My husband has to be there to sign off on the passport forms for the kids. Then we have to book flights and the hotel and all that good stuff. And coordinate a house-sitter and dog watcher for Bruno.

If this trip works out I think I’ll make it an annual thing. There are bodybuilding shows all over the world and it would be great to tie them into a family vacation.
That’s what’s new with me. Hope you are kicking butt with your own fitness goals!
Lisa 🙂
If you’re serious about getting healthy, but need help getting started, try my S.L.I. Method on my website Only YOU can do the work, but I can give you the tools that I’ve learned over the past five years about nutrition, exercise and overcoming excuses.
Lisa Traugott is a Mom’s Choice Award winning writer, fitness blogger, wife and mom of two….and Original Cast Member of AMERICAN GRIT, starring John Cena, on FOX!!! (c) 2012-2017 Lisa Traugott. All rights reserved. No portion of this blog, including any text, photographs, video, and artwork, may be reproduced or copied without written permission.