Progress Picture and Competition Update

It’s 10 weeks until my next bodybuilding bikini competition. This time I’m doing a different division (sports model) with the Musclemania/ Model Universe federation.

For this division there are three categories that get judged:
- Cocktail/night club dress
- Theme/costume
- Bikini
I’ve met with my new posing coach Christine Anderson out of Houston and set my posing routines. This division is more like a pageant so there are different poses and walks to learn.
While I’m keeping my theme a secret OMG I’m having so much fun rehearsing it!!! The costume has been ordered and is on the way.
My biggest challenge is finding a good dress. Let’s be real: I’m a 42 mother and have been married 12 years. There’s not a whole lot of club-hopping going on in my atmosphere so I have no idea what to wear. My original aim was classy/sophisticated but since the competition is in Vegas I may have to rethink that…

Actually I lied. My biggest challenge isn’t finding the dress, it’s finding time to get everything done! My fitness schedule includes 6 days of cardio, 5 days strength training (with glutes warm up workout before that). I’m now homeschooling my daughter, Rylee, and that takes up a lot of my day, not only to teach her but to write up all the lesson plans. I’m still doing my regular duties with our real estate business, growing my online personal training client list, being a mom and doing regular stuff like laundry. And did I mention I started another blog? is my new blog to chronicle my adventures in homeschooling. I’ve got a lot on my mind about this topic and need to get all of those thoughts out of my head and written down so I can relax. (I’m a writer, so blogging is very relaxing for me.) If you’ve ever been curious about homeschooling, check out my blog! Here are some of my posts:

Today is just a cardio day, so I better get going. Hope you are getting back into the back-to-school groove.
Oh wait! If you happen to be at CVS, your local bookstore or trolling the web, please check out my transformation story in this month’s Muscle & Fitness Hers magazine!

Lisa 🙂
Lisa Traugott is a Mom’s Choice Award winning writer, fitness blogger, wife and mom of two….and Original Cast Member of AMERICAN GRIT, starring John Cena, on FOX!!! (c) 2012-2016 Lisa Traugott. All rights reserved. No portion of this blog, including any text, photographs, video, and artwork, may be reproduced or copied without written permission.