5 Ways to Stop the Munchies

We are midway through the first month of the New Year and I don’t know about you, but I’ve got the munchies. Even though I’m eating 10 million times better than I was over the holidays (isn’t everyone?) I still fall into the trap of snacking.
All those little trips to the pantry and fridge add up, sadly. And don’t try to tell me that it’s ok if it’s “clean”. Even an organic granola bar you baked in your kitchen can pack on a powerful calorie count. So here are some tricks I use to stick to just the food on my meal plan.
5 Ways to Stop the Munchies
- Chew sugar free gum.
Sugar Free Gum It keeps your mouth occupied and a false sense of sweetness that prevents you from diving into the vending machine at work.
- Brush your teeth. My client told me about this one. She said when her teeth are clean and her mouth is fresh she doesn’t want to dirty it up with junk food. #CleanlinessIsNextToGodliness
- Drink water.
If you feel hungry you may actually be thirsty. Keep a gallon of water at your desk or on your counter so you can see progress throughout the day. Bonus tip: Write encouraging messages to yourself.
- Go to bed earlier.
When you stay up late your body starts craving more calories. Get some shut eye. Not only will it level out your hormones (which helps you lose weight) it also lets your muscles repair themselves. Also, it’s hard to eat snacks when you’re snoring. Aim for eight hours of sleep per night.
- Reduce TV time. This tip is as much for me as it is for you. I’m prone to binge watching shows with my husband with a healthy dose of buttered popcorn and soda. (It’s the BEST old fashioned popcorn maker ever.)
Best popcorn EVER Sometimes we add in potato chips and dip. That’s when things get ugly. TV shows are constantly interrupted by commercials with high calorie foods which can make even the most satiated person hungry. I’m not saying cut the cord and live in a log cabin, I’m just saying everything in moderation, including TV. Plus, binge watching can sabotage #4 (go to bed earlier).
Ha, #4 is my favorite “secret”. Whenever I start getting one of those late night cravings, I just stop what I’m doing and go to bed. I really should have been going to bed at that point anyway, probably…
Sleep is my favorite weapon. 😉