What Do You Look for in a YouTube video?
For the past two years I’ve been toying with the idea of setting up a YouTube channel for my blog. My three roadblocks to getting this done are:
- I’m not tech savvy. Even if I filmed something on my phone, I have no idea how to upload, edit and download it onto YouTube.
- I’m chicken. What if my little videos are epic fails and people write stupid comments like, “You suck” or worse?
- What would I make videos about? Are viewers interested in information (like how to do a squat) or in something loosely fitness-related that is kind of funny?
But this month is FEARLESS FEBRUARY! So I’m going to set up my YouTube Channel this weekend. I will probably have to watch YouTube videos on how to set up a YouTube channel, but that will take care of roadblock #1.
Roadblock #2 – I’m chicken/I want everyone to like me. Not everyone likes me now, so I just need to get over this. Mostly, I think if people don’t like the videos, they just won’t watch them. And people who have nothing better to do than write anonymous mean things on social media are not the kinds of people I should be paying attention to anyway. So I’ll channel my inner Nike and just do it.
Roadblock #3 – Here are examples of two very different styles of videos.
A) Informative – This is from BeFit and explains how to do the perfect squat.
B) Randomly funny – This is by BroScienceLife, and is by a stereotypical bodybuilder type and is obnoxiously hysterical.
So, I’m asking you, dear reader, what would YOU like to see in a video from this blog? Something informative, something funny or some videos in each style?
Thanks for your feedback!
Sheslosingit.com (c) 2014 Lisa Traugott. All rights reserved. No portion of this blog, including any text, photographs, and artwork, may be reproduced or copied without written permission.
I wanna see poledancing
Patience. You will.
I think adding some humor would work.
Thanks! I’ll keep that in mind 🙂