Pop Quiz: Music

Pop Quiz:  What music is making you smile?


Wanna know what’s making me smile?  Thrift Shop – Macklemore & Ryan Lewis.  I first heard this song at Metroflex gym when I was working out with my teammate Brooke.  We kept cracking up to the lyrics in between lat pull downs.

Now, months later, I finally got around to buying the CD.  Considering most of my iPod music is from the turn of the millennium, I’d say Thrift Shop is pretty cutting edge for me.


How about you?  What’s on your iPod today?

Lisa ;)

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11 thoughts on “Pop Quiz: Music

  1. Big time Maroon 5! They always make me feel good, as does Matchbox Twenty, but also am doing the retro thing with New Kids on the Block. I need positive feeling music, right now.

  2. I first heard Thrift Shop out on a run through PandoraI first thought the beat was awesome and kept me going. The R. Kelly lyric nearly killed me and almost fall! I bought the CD once I came back home.

  3. Yes, mines mainly marky mark and the funky bunch. I love listening to two Ipods at the same time- one in one ear and the other in the other ear, This way I can take what I want from both, and leave the stuff i dont like, which is mainly maroon 5.

  4. I bought the album, too. It’s great! I’m a Seattlelite so it’s fun to hear him rap about it. I also recently bought the Imagine Dragons album which I absolutely love.

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