Happier Than a Camel on Hump Day
Happy Hump Day. Need a quick laugh? (Of course you do, it’s hump day.) Here is a video making me giggle:
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kWBhP0EQ1lA&w=560&h=315]
Ok, now that we’re past that here are the…
Top 3 Things Making Me Happy:

1. Soon I CAN EAT WHATEVER I WANT! The Adela Garcia Classic is in 10 days and I’m just counting them down. (And in an ironic side note: With the exception of my dirty eating vacation week, I will probably continue eating the EXACT same meal plan during the off season because it tastes pretty good and is filling. But it will be MY CHOICE to eat the exact same thing, so that makes it taste better.)
2. I’m going to my first blogging convention at the end of the month! FitBloggin’ 13 in Portland, Oregon. It will be my first time going solo on a trip without the husband or kids. That’ll be weird.

3. Danny Green is killing it. I’m not even a basketball fan but you have to cheer on the home team, especially when they are kicking ass. Go Spurs!
How about you? What’s making you happy today?
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Sheslosingit.net (c) 2013 Lisa Traugott. All rights reserved. No portion of this blog, including any text, photographs, and artwork, may be reproduced or copied without written permission.
OMG!!! I was laughing at this for a good 5 minutes!
Isn’t it the funniest commercial? I was LMAO.
Lol. I love those geico adds. I’m happy that in two little weeks I’ll be on vay-cay for the summer!
Sweet! Enjoy your vay-cay!
hey mike mike mike mike
What day is it? What day is it?