The Versatile Blogger Award + A Psychological Test
Yay, I got another blogging nomination! I was nominated by fellow blogger MoonFitness, who also posts lots of great tips on weight loss, finding motivation and of course, bodybuilding. Thank you so much for the Versatile Blogger Award!

The rules for accepting this award are:
- Display the award certificate on your website.
- Announce your win with a post and include a link to whoever presented your award.
- Present 10 awards to deserving bloggers.
- Create a post linking to them and drop them a comment to tip them off.
- Post 7 interesting facts about yourself
Here are my 7 interesting facts/Cocktail Party Tips
- “Can you believe the weather?” and “What do you do for a living?” get stale, so at cocktail parties I like to give people a psychological test (with their permission, of course.)
- “What’s your favorite animal and give 3 adjectives to describe it.” My answer (in high school): Rabbit. Soft, warm, fuzzy. What I wanted to answer (but had a feeling this was a psychological test and wasn’t giving this info up to my 11th grade health teacher): Cat. Intelligent. Sensual. Aloof. Meaning: This is the way you perceive yourself.
- “What’s your favorite color + 3 adj. to describe it.” My answer (in high school): Red. Bright. Passionate. Invigorating. Meaning: This is how others perceive you.
- “What’s your favorite body of water + 3 adj. to describe it.” This question was one I stumbled upon in college. Favorite answers included (from college ex-boyfriend): Jacuzzi. Hot. Sexy. Fun. and (from evil girl who stole college ex-boyfriend): Toilet. Dirty. Disgusting. Wrong. Meaning: This is how you perceive sex. Add on Lisa meaning: Karma works.
- “You are in a black room with no windows or doors. Describe it.” My answer (in college): Dark, cold, scary. Meaning: This is how you perceive death.
- “You are in a white room with no windows or doors. Describe it.” My favorite answer was from my father, one week before he died: Clean, vast, thought-provoking. Meaning: This is how you perceive the afterlife.
- I take no responsibility for the accuracy of these questions and what they really mean, but if nothing else I hope you found them thought provoking too.
Here are my blogger nominations:
How about you? What’s your favorite animal (and three adjectives to describe it…)
- @sheslosingitnet (c) 2013 Lisa Traugott. All rights reserved. No portion of this blog, including any text, photographs, and artwork, may be reproduced or copied without written permission.
Rhino! Strong, Rigged, Respected
Good for you!
Lion. Proud, strong and protective!
Thanks Lisa, ill post the appropriate response soon!!!!
You are a bodybuilding Mama and I hear you ROAR!
Thank you for the nominee. I love hippos. Misunderstood, chill and so ugly they are cute.
Thanks for the nomination Lisa! Him – Silverback Gorilla = powerful and thick. Her – Pather = sleek and powerful
Congratulations! I wish the best of luck in everything you do. Take care.