Top 5 Viral Moments from the Campaign – P.S. – VOTE TODAY!!!

Barack Obama
This seat’s taken. OFA.BO/c2gbfi,


In case you missed this election season, here is a brief viral recap:

1.  The first big meme (that’s fancy for something taking a life of its own online) was called Eastwooding.

That references the impromptu speech Clint Eastwood made at the Republican convention where he pretended an empty chair had President Obama sitting in it and he just went off.

To which President Obama tweeted in response, “This seat’s taken.”

2.  Binders of WomenDuring the debates Mitt Romney mentioned he enthusiastically sought to hire women for his cabinet and in doing so received binders full of women to fill those positions.  The web exploded and there were quite a few Halloween inspired costumes and postcards created as a result.  (I think my favorite is the Bill Clinton one.)

3. Fire Big Bird.  During the first debate Mitt Romney said he loved Big Bird but nevertheless would cut funding to PBS.  Oh no!   I think my favorite pic is Big Bird on the 1930’s unemployment line.









4. Bayonets and Horses.  In the third debate about foreign policy Romney lamented about there being fewer Navy ships now versus 1917 to which Obama responded that we have fewer bayonets and horses too.  Oh snap!

5.   Now make your own moment!


Lisa (c) 2012 Lisa Traugott.  All rights reserved.  No portion of this blog, including any text, photographs, and artwork, may be reproduced or copied without written permission.

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