Man Aisles…Seriously

Does your supermarket have a “man aisle”?”  Give it a month or two…

Did you know that according to a recent survey by Cone Communications, 52% of fathers now identify themselves as the primary grocery shopper and are more likely to plan meals for the week ahead than moms? That’s certainly the case in my household.  Henri does like 98% of the grocery shopping (sans kids though…lucky!)

Anyway, that’s why some supermarkets are experimenting with “Man Aisles”- locations in the store featuring male-oriented foods (chips?) and other products to make shopping and impulse buying more targeted.

Next month I get to interview Phil Lempert – aka “the Supermarket Guru” about future food trends.  Here are some of his predictions to wet your appetite…

Other 2013 Food Trends To Watch

  • Snacking & Mini-Meals Take the Spotlight

More than half of Americans snack two to three times a day, according to the NPD Group

The 18-29 year old generation loves food and they are clearly the foundation for the rise and desire for ethnic and more flavorful foods on grocery shelves

  • New Phone Apps

The next generation of mobile apps may determine if fruits & veggies are ripe

  • Evolution of Frozen Foods

There will be more single-serve frozen solutions that add convenience, portion-control and variety to appeal to diverse eating patterns

Looking forward to speaking with the Supermarket Guru!  For more than 25 years, Lempert, an expert analyst on consumer behavior, marketing trends, new products and the changing retail landscape, has identified and explained impending trends to consumers. He’s appeared on The View,  20/20, CNN, CNBC, Discovery Health and MSNBC.


P.S. – The Elizabeth Somer interview about vitamins went really well…and if the awesome IT people at WordPress can fix my video upload button, you will be able to see for yourself!  Will keep you posted.

5 thoughts on “Man Aisles…Seriously

  1. Lol! Markets is going to violate it, the rules and the idea, putting a lot of steaks, beers and junks to that aisle. However, I think it’s ludacris. Statistic number ain’t enough. Why not have teen aisle, weekend aisle, uhm…. Vegan aisle!?

    1. Oh, but they do have those aisles. At HEB they have an entire aisle dedicated to “health” foods, like gluten free and protein shakes and they have vitamins and diet stuff next to it. I haven’t noticed a teen aisle, but they do have a kids’ aisle. Have you noticed that all the toys are mysteriously located next to rows and rows of candy? They don’t put the toys next to toothbrushes.

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