Got (Almond) Milk?

I love milk.  Most “clean eating” people I’ve met, are pretty opposed to milk and dairy products with the exception of non-fat Greek yogurt.  But why?  What’s so bad about milk?

Problems With Milk: (from the Harvard School of Public Health)

  • Lactose Intolerance
  • High Saturated Fat
  • Possible Increase of Ovarian Cancer
  • Probable Increased Risk of Prostrate Cancer

I’m lactose intolerant and according to a September 15, 2009 USA Today article, 60% of people can’t digest milk.  Apparently we are not even supposed to after the age of 5!  No other animals drink milk after childhood.  Here is the article for your reference:

But milk tastes really good and is a convenient source of calcium to help avoid  osteoporosis, right?  I always heard that a woman should drink 3 glasses of milk per day.  Not so!  Per Harvard:

“Currently, there’s no good evidence that consuming more than one serving of milk per day in addition to a reasonable diet (which typically provides about 300 milligrams of calcium per day from nondairy sources) will reduce fracture risk. Because of unresolved concerns about the risk of ovarian and prostate cancer, it may be prudent to avoid higher intakes of dairy products.”

Only 1 serving a day?  Well that’s sort of a bummer!  My trainer, Daniel, suggested I try almond milk instead.  I bought some last week and it’s actually pretty good.  It’s thicker than regular non-fat milk, but since I drink Lactaid milk anyway it wasn’t a big deal for me to try the new taste.  The unsweetened flavor from Breeze is 70 calories per serving (a serving is one cup.)  Silk also makes unsweetened almond milk now and a one cup serving of that is only 40 calories.  They also make it in vanilla flavor so I’m using that in my morning coffee now.  Daniel says to watch out for the fat content so he only wants me to use 1/2 cup if I’m going to drink it.  Fair enough.

Want to know some other non-dairy sources of calcium?

  • Vegetables:  spinach, kale, soybeans, turnips, pak-choi, collards, okra
  • Fish:  salmon, blue crab, Atlantic Ocean perch, clams, rainbow trout
  • Other:  fortified oatmeal, fortified cereals, tofu, supplements

Here is the link from with the above mentioned food and the calorie count.


In summary:

You should have one serving of dairy per day.  You should get additional calcium through non-dairy sources.  A good substitute for the flavor of milk without all the negatives of regular milk is almond milk.

Hope you found this useful!

Lisa (c) 2012 Lisa Traugott.  All rights reserved.  No portion of this blog, including any text, photographs, and artwork, may be reproduced or copied without written permission.





7 thoughts on “Got (Almond) Milk?

  1. Another thing to pay attention to with coconut, almond, silk, etc is the additional additives to make them shelf stable. Carrageenan is one of the numerous not so healthy additives found in these drinks. If you’re going to drink them as well, make sure you get organic versions so you know the almonds and soy used have not been sprayed with pesticides, or genetically modified

  2. I recently discovered almond milk too! Unsweet vanilla is also my favorite flavor. I use it in everything–oatmeal, smoothies, etc. Love that it has more calcium and less calories than skim milk.

  3. Great post! I was just reading about how even though we drink more milk we are having even more bone fracture and bone issues than ever before! Milk is deceiving and we need to “outgrow” our need for milk. My mom stopped nursing me at one year old so I’m weaned and don’t need milk anymore 😉 lol! I like that you list good calcium sources. Get the calcium from where the cow does…greens!

  4. Also Marci, thank your for the advice on additives!!! Our family is all on almond milk and I had looked at the ingredients but got a little lacks on buying organic. Thanks for the reminder!

  5. With so many more people developing allergies and sensitivities to dairy products, finding tasty and cheap alternatives to milk can be a challenge. One tasty alternative that can be used in cooking and everyday use is almond milk. But honestly, almond milk can get pricey. Instead try making your own almond milk for a quick and easy project that is fun to do with the kids.’

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