(Un)Fit Mama

I look at the time in the gym locker room and cringe. It’s 7:15 a.m. I took too long in the shower, so now my husband is going to be a screaming basket case when I get home because he can’t seem to get himself and the kids ready for school without my help.
It’s 7:23 a.m. when I walk into the kitchen. Henri is arguing with Rylee over the speed of her cereal consumption (or lack thereof,) the TV is blaring Umizoomi, my son has ripped off his diaper and is doing a little naked dance before me. I know a puddle is awaiting my discovery somewhere. Perhaps the timing of me learning weight training coinciding with my toddler’s potty training is not a good mix. My husband, Henri, shoots me a look.
“If you want me to have a bikini body, this is part of the deal, buddy,” I say to him defensively. He doesn’t answer me. He is pissed. I put a diaper on little Henry then Rylee and I head upstairs to get her dressed. It’s PE day today at school but she doesn’t want to wear pants or sneakers and begins to cry.
“Pants are handsome; I want to look beautiful. I want to wear a dress.” We compromise a skirt with leggings and sneakers with fancy purple flowers. Then the battle over hair ensues. I pull out the comb from the drawer and she takes off running like a Kenyan sprinter at the Olympics. Maybe I should have put on her sneakers after combing her hair…
The gym was so lovely this morning. I drove there in the dark silence of the morning.
My husband is yelling something about his keys. All keys are supposed to go into the bowl on the kitchen counter immediately upon entering our house. When he follows this system our world is a happy world, but today he is running around berserk because he didn’t follow the system and now has no idea where they are. He also yelling about some lease he wants me to find RIGHT NOW.
“Rylee, either I fix your hair or you get a time out. One, two-“ “Two and a half!” she says exiting the castle tent and she stands before me. I fix her hair, grab her lunch and deposit her into my husband’s truck.
Henri did not find his keys, but he did find the puddle my son made and that’s not helping his mood any. I find his keys for him but now he’s missing his cell phone. I hand him the lease he wanted and can’t wait for the door to close.
“This is chaos, Lisa. Shower at home or cut your gym time, or something. I can’t do this every day.” The door slams.
Will every morning be like this while I’m training? Do I just need to get up earlier? I’m already up at 5 a.m. I’m trying to make my exercise schedule have only a minimal impact on my family time. How do other women do this? Any advice? Help me!
Sheslosingit.net (c) 2012 Lisa Traugott. All rights reserved. No portion of this blog, including any text, photographs, and artwork, may be reproduced or copied without written permission.
Pick the cloths the night before and make a game out of finding daddys keys; or make sure keys are in the basket at bedtime Shower at home after they leave then you can relax and enjoy it. Kiss hubby and tell him how much you appreciate his help and patience.
Thanks! We will try it out 🙂