Happy Father’s Day!

June 19, 2012
Dear Henri,
I don’t think you realize how wonderful a father you are to our children. Honey, you amaze me every day. You can turn cries into tears of laughter in milliseconds. Belly laughs follow your every step.
A father is a provider; I’m glad you discovered that the definition includes more than just meeting financial needs. You provide endless love. You provide your full attention to listen to our children’s wants, needs and fears. When your work day ends you somehow are able to produce enough energy to be fully dedicated to giving them the most important thing you can: You.
I admire you so much as a parent. There is never any doubt about your love, your commitment to raising them well, and constant focus on being the best father you can be. The children are blessed to have you in their life.
And so am I.
I love you,
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