Winning and Learning
Notes from the Poseidon competition:
Things I want after the show:
- Deodorant
- Kiss from my family
- Chocolate
Yes, in that order.
There are so many thoughts running through my mind after this competition. I took 2nd place in Masters Bikini. I’m happy with my improvements and proud of my efforts, but oh! To be so close to victory and a pro card and miss it! Sometimes winning stings worse than losing.
Now I’ve seen people post memes online about 2nd place, like “2nd place means 1st loser,” and I’m not going to lie, it felt a little bit like that when there were just two of us standing on stage next to each other and they called my number first instead of hers.
But there is another instaquote out there I like much better and it is: “You either win or you learn.” I’ve felt like I’ve learned a lot doing back-to-back competition preps and taking time to speak with and watch the pro bikini competitors.
A big shout out to Cathy Harvey. She won 1st place at the Shredder (I came in 3rd) earned her pro card and has been winning prize money in every show she’s done since.
She was gracious enough to give me some posing tips backstage to make my transitions smoother. Clearly, she didn’t have to do that, and I’m so thankful that she did, because I felt that much more confident going into prejudging.
My trainer, Robin, and I strategized today. We know the desired result: 1st Place and a Pro Card. Now we have five (5) weeks to work towards that goal. My whole diet changes tomorrow, same with my workout schedule, so my body is going to be so confused it will have to progress, lol. #WomanOnAMission
But that aside, I’m also feeling a bit of that post-victory glow, you know? I can remember in March (gosh, was that only 6 months ago?) when I told Robin that my only goal for the Arnold Amateur was to not be in the last call outs (like I was in all the previous competitions.) I said, “I guess I set the bar pretty low for you as a trainer,” laughing at my own self-deprecating humor. “No that’s the bar you set for yourself,” he said not laughing. “My bar is higher.”
Without knowing a single woman who would be competing against me I had determined that they must be better than me. ‘I’m 41. I have two kids. I’m still new to this sport,’ I told myself and anyone who would listen.
But when I let go of my fears and my excuses everything began to change. I came in 20th out of almost 40 at the Arnold, against women literally half my age! I won 3rd place at Shredder in Bikini Masters and 3rd in Natural Universe Sports Model. Now I’ve won 2nd Place, all in the span of 6 months!
So, I did celebrate. I did kiss my family and thank my coaches, friends and followers for their support. And hell yeah, I ate some chocolate. Today.
Because tomorrow starts the 5 week countdown to the Texas State Naturals. And no woman is going to stand in my way from getting my pro card, and that includes that woman also known as “Former Me full of fears from six months ago.” I’m going for it.
Lisa 😉
Lisa Traugott is a Mom’s Choice Award winning writer, fitness blogger, wife and mom of two. Her book, “She’s Losing It!” is available at (and has a 5-star review rating!) (c) 2015 Lisa Traugott. All rights reserved. No portion of this blog, including any text, photographs, video, and artwork, may be reproduced or copied without written permission.
Sweetheart, CONGRATS! You are Fierce!!!!!
What an inspiration you are to me!
Thanks, Viv! Right back at ya!
Congratulations! You got this. Pro card here you come! It was so kind of Cathy to give you posing tips. This makes me smile. Talk about women empowering and supporting one another.
It really was. I’m always pleasantly surprised by how generous people can be.