Where Would You Like To Be In 10 Years?

Team Traugott

August Fitness Blogger Question of the Day from Fitness Cheerleader:

Where Would You Like To Be In 10 Years?

I love questions like these!  They stir my soul.  Right now, though, I’m way too focused on where I want to be in 5 years.

Five years from now Rylee will be 10, Henry will be 8, big Henri will be 55, I will be 43 and we plan to cash out and take a trip around the world.

The trip will be balanced between educational pursuits (museums, castles, etc.,) good deeds (volunteering) and pure fun.  We have no idea how we are going to pay for this, but we have told everyone and their brother that this is going to be reality, so it’s going to happen somehow.

Educationally, I will get correspondence courses and homeschool the kids.  Plus what better way to experience history than to live it?  I want to see the thrill on their little faces when they walk through Rome and stumble upon the Colosseum, envisioning themselves transported to the times of Gladiators.  

My husband and I would also like the kids to study in a school in China for perhaps a month.  Then they can teach me how to do math, because I can’t add for sh@#.

With respect to good deeds, we’d like to work with the Peace Corps and our church Austin Stone to identify perhaps six worthwhile charities where we can volunteer for a week or two.  We have skills in construction, education and fitness, so I’m sure there are places in the world where we can help.  I’m sure the kids will have some definite ideas about this subject by that time in their life; it will be interesting to learn where their passions lie.

Volunteering with the Peace Corps and Austin Stone

And all work and no play makes for a very bummed out family vacation.  We want to go on safari in Tanzania.  See the lions roar, touch the red sand of Africa.

We want to hike the mountains in Argentina.  What must it feel like to breathe in the cold air and the snow of the mountaintops?  To view the world from a bird’s eye? 

And I want to run a marathon in Greece; the original marathon trail Pheidippides ran to save Athens from pending danger.

And for all our plans for the future, I also realize that all the wonders of travel cannot possibly be planned!  Memories are made of random things like getting lost trying to find an elephant ride in India, getting rained on in London and running into your next-door-neighbor from Texas you never met until you bump into her at the Sea of Galilee as you are both tracing the steps of Jesus before he said the Sermon on the Mount.

Oh, I’m excited for our future!  How about you?

Where would you like to be in 10 (or 5) years?


Sheslosingit.net (c) 2012 Lisa Traugott.  All rights reserved.  No portion of this blog, including any text, photographs, and artwork, may be reproduced or copied without written permission.

11 thoughts on “Where Would You Like To Be In 10 Years?

  1. Wow! A trip around the world is my dream someday too. I want to see everything. EVER. I have a huge list of places to go, things to see, culture to experience. It is so awesome that your family will experience that with you. 🙂

    And I can’t do math to save my life. That is why I became an English teacher. 😉

  2. AH your life is cool. i can tell you right now that your kids might be a little frustrated with traveling during their early teens, but i think it is just because as teens, we are programmed to hate anything our parents want us to do. i grew up in a household that traveled (although I wasn’t homeschooled) and i can tell you it was one of the things i appreciate most in my life. this summer i got a chance (as a freshman!) to study abroad with my university in London, and it was surreal learning about English history, and having all of those places in my backyard essentially. also, since you clearly love to combine traveling and fitness, might I suggest, if your children follow your love of fitness, that you train and do Mt. Kilimanjaro in Tanzania when they are old enough (probably 18 or 19). my mom and I actually planned to do it this summer through Stanford, but with her medical history, she was advised not to do it, so I guess ill be doing it on my own in the next few years when i get a chance to really train hard. what an experience though! and a real chance to bond. just a suggestion 🙂

  3. I’m excited for your future, too! That all sounds highly ambitious and absolutely amazing. That will be great that your whole family will get to enjoy such an adventure together!

  4. You know my motto: If you believe it, you can achieve it – I can’t wait to read all about your travels and accomplshments over the next 10 years!

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