5 Benefits of a Workout Buddy
My trainer is on maternity leave (it’s a boy!) so the girls from the team are breaking into smaller groups of workout buddies and it’s been a lot of fun. Have you ever considered a workout buddy?
5 Benefits of a Workout Buddy
- A Reason to Show Up – Let’s face it, at 5 a.m. it’s real easy to roll over and say, “Who cares about fitness?” But if you know your overachiever friend is already up and on the treadmill waiting for you, chances are you will get out of bed and meet her at the gym.
- Push Yourself – Left to my own devices I will do three “warm -up sets” if I don’t like the exercise I’m working on. This doesn’t happen with a workout partner, especially one who can lift heavier than you.
- Safety in Numbers – Form is the most important thing to focus on when you are doing strength training and you may not even know you’re doing something wrong; but your friend will notice. A friend will provide a spot so you won’t drop the barbell on yourself (not that I’ve ever done that before…) and you can let her know if her back is arched when she’s doing ab tucks.
- Learn New Things – You can learn not only new exercises from each other, but you can also learn little tricks. For example, yesterday I was training with my friends Dana and Obidia and I found out that you can buy sugar free ketchup. That information alone rocked my world.
- It’s Fun! – Catch up on gossip, vent about your job, laugh about something your kid said, all while putting in time on the Stair Master. Talking makes the time go by faster and friendship makes cardio something you can actually look forward to.
How about you? Do you have a workout buddy?
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I am not someone for a workout buddy. I find that having a coach/trainer is much better for me because with a workout buddy, It seems that I or the buddy needs to wait for each other or I feel intimidating. So it’s not something that I prefer.
It’s kind of tricky finding the right partner.