Reverse Stress Dream
My stress dreams usually involving being back in Catholic school, in my junior year chemistry class, on the day of the final exam, only to discover that I had skipped science class all year and hadn’t read the book at all. And I keep arguing with the teacher that I already graduated high school, and college even, but she insists that there was an error in the record keeping and therefore I absolutely HAD TO take the exam today. And pass.
I hate that dream.
It is my psyche’s way of berating me during my slumber to remind me that I have not prepared for something as well as I should have. Sometimes before a bodybuilding competition I will dream that I’m eating a giant cookie right before the show and I’m going to go onstage and look awful and make my trainer mad at me.
I hate that dream too.
But last night? Last night I had a reverse stress dream. See, I’ve been stressed out lately that I’m not going to be able to do my mandatory strength moves in time for the fitness competition; specifically splits and straddle holds. But last night I dreamed that I was in my mom’s family room doing a yoga video and I did a full split. I was so excited I called to my daughter, Rylee, to ask her if she saw it, and she said, “Of course you did it, Mom!” And she was laughing, and then I did a straddle hold into a handstand and woke up feeling like I could do it for real.
I love this dream and I’m going to make it reality. I think this time my psyche was encourage me; telling me not to give up on myself.
This time of year, so many people make halfhearted resolutions, expecting to fail. Yesterday, I read an article about a woman making peace with herself that she would be 35 pounds overweight for the rest of her life; she had given up on herself completely and it made me want to shout out to her, “Hang in there! You can do it!”
So for any of you out there who feel hopeless, like you want to give up on yourself, I’d like you to read the stories of these five people. When I’m feeling down, I think about them and what they’ve done against all odds.
- Christina has a five-year-old son who refused to wear his hearing aid because, “Superheroes aren’t deaf.” What happened next was truly magical My New Hero.
- Diana was diagnosed with breast cancer. Instead of sobbing she threw a party; she thinks other women should too. Strength in Vulnerability.
- Henri is my husband. Asthma impacted his life…until he pushed past the fear and crossed the finish line of his first marathon at 42. What’s Your Superman Moment?
- Kalyn lives with cancer and Chiari Malformation and was given less than three years to live. She wants you to know that no matter what, you hold the cards to your life. You dictate your life. (Her story went viral.) Chiari Warrior
- Melissa is my trainer. After overcoming several nightmare situations in her personal life and with her health, she decided to do everything she ever wanted. She is now watching her dreams come true. Everything I Ever Wanted
Here is my wish for your New Year: Fight for yourself like you would fight for your child. Deal with the circumstances you are given with a positive attitude. Don’t let the past limit your future. Live every day as though it was your last. Do everything you ever wanted.
Let this be your year to succeed.
- @sheslosingitnet
- and (c) 2013 Lisa Traugott. All rights reserved. No portion of this blog, including any text, photographs, and artwork, may be reproduced or copied without written permission.