December Goals – How did I do?
My December goals accomplishments (or lack thereof) serve as an affirmation of the fact that people should not set goals in December. My goal for next December? Do not set goals.
Anyway, these were my goals and how I did:
1. Do one (1) unassisted chin up. Result: Did not happen. You would think that by deliberately setting the bar low enough I would have been able to achieve this, but alas my upper body strength is lacking. I even tried partially cheating by jumping up first, hoping that momentum would help. It did not.
2. Be the same weight at the end of the month I was at the start of the month. That so did not happen.
3. Stay calm and flexible. LOL! Have you met me? Have I met myself???
4. Finish reading the NASM personal trainer text book. YES!!! I finished this morning!!! (I know it’s January and not December but I’m claiming the victory anyway.)
5. Enjoy the holidays with my family. I actually did this too. We had a lot of pajama days filled with Nick Jr., trips to the park on new bicycles and reenactments of the Luke/Darth Vader fight sequences with their Christmas light sabers. Regina et. all came over for New Year‘s so that was really fun too.
How about you? How did you do on your December goals?
- @sheslosingitnet
- (c) 2013 Lisa Traugott. All rights reserved. No portion of this blog, including any text, photographs, and artwork, may be reproduced or copied without written permission.
I set no goals, therefore I must have succeeded….right?
I’m down with that logic 😉
LOL I joined Adventures and also set no goals. So success for me too! I don’t particularly like goals very much. Though I did make a few for the year that I just realized by reading this blog. I should probably blog about that!
It was secretly my goal to make you set goals.
Well done!
I failed! But I enjoyed myself!
Yes! Misery loves company!