Backstage at TSNC: Part II

OK – The kids are playing outside so I can post a few more pics from the Texas State Naturals Championship!
This is Elizabeth’s boyfriend, Chris. He won 4th place in his division. Yay! And there they are together. (Cute couple, huh?)
I think it’s good when both people can workout together. At the very least they understand the crazy demands the bodybuilding diet places on you.
My husband, Henri, used to lift back in his 20’s, so he kind of had nostalgic feelings watching me eat egg whites and tuna for breakfast.

As I wandered backstage one of the most rewarding personal moments for me was when people I never met said they read my blog. Like this woman, Amy. Guess what? She’s a GRANDMA!!! Got GILF? She usually boxes but wanted to try something new so her trainer suggested she try a bikini competition.
So…boxer, granny bodybuilder AND she reads my blog? Oh yeah, she’s getting her picture in here! And here are some other women from backstage.
I love listening to everyone’s story. You would not believe how many of these beautiful women confessed that they entered this to overcome their body issues.
Some women, like me, lost a lot of weight. Others were doing it to lose the baby fat from their pregnancies. Still others just wanted to challenge themselves to eat clean.
Here is another picture of Madelyn Moon. She goes to my church and sometimes babysits for me. This is her first competition and she got called out for Top 10. It was so funny – she said, “I got second call outs. What does that mean?” “It means you’re awesome!” I said. Check out her blog, it’s very informative about nutrition and fitness: MoonFitness.

This is Maria. She helped me with my posing for my first show, the Adela Garcia Classic. Maria is a sponsored athlete which means her sponsors pay for things like a fancy plane ticket and hotel to bodybuilding shows in Vegas. Congrats, Maria!! She’s the one who told me to practice posing in front of my husband…Thanks Maria!!

As the night progressed people were getting excited to get back to “normal life.”
A favorite topic of conversation backstage was “What’s your first meal going to be?” That’s because it is customary to out to dinner after the show and eat whatever the heck you want! No more measuring protein or counting out exactly six asparagus stalks. Cheesecake Factory and Outback Steakhouse were the winners last night. Henri and I went to Macaroni Grill and I immensely enjoyed every high fat, high calorie bite.
I am thoroughly enjoying my dirty eating vacation right now. The Halloween candy has been great. I’ve been experiencing sugar crashes and falling asleep all day. It’s kind of like Thanksgiving.
Tomorrow I’m going back to the gym. Time to start up my 400 lunges again!
Lisa (c) 2012 Lisa Traugott. All rights reserved. No portion of this blog, including any text, photographs, and artwork, may be reproduced or copied without written permission.
Hahah I love that..”it means you’re awesome!” so glad you were there to explain it to me:) you did AMAZING!
Thanks and can’t wait to see how much progress you will make between now and the next competition. Top 5 for sure!
How did your digestive system do eating restaurant food after staying away from it for so long?
Um…not well.