I am the Susan Lucci of Female Bodybuilding!
Finished the pre-judging and am off to the night show. There were 18 people in the Masters Division. People in the first call out win Top 5, the second call out are Top 10…and then there’s me!
But here’s the thing – I was the first person called out in Group 3. That means I came in 11th!!! That’s progress!!!
So if Susan Lucci can finally win the Emmy 18 nominations later, I can surely place in Top 5 some day.
Will post more tomorrow. It will be a late night.
Thank you so much Simply Skin and Caroline Poe Photography for being my sponsors! You ROCK!
And thank you all for sending me good luck emails, texts and calls. You made me feel awesome during this entire process.
Lisa 🙂
Sheslosingit.net (c) 2012 Lisa Traugott. All rights reserved. No portion of this blog, including any text, photographs, and artwork, may be reproduced or copied without written permission.
Congrats, Lisa! Well done!!! Your dedication ton this whole process has been inspiring. Now go out, eat a big greasy burger and fries, and enjoy a glass of wine or two…you’ve earned it!!!
Oh I am LOVING my dirty eating vacation week!! I’m making mac ‘n’ cheese now. And not even with low fat cheese neither!
Congrats! You are Awesome!
Thanks – you are too. Thanks for the note.
11th is great! I cannot believe you are already placing this high when you have been in this sport for less than a year. They better watch out at the next competition because you are movin’ on up (sung to the Jefferson’s theme)
LOL! Yeah! Look out grannies! Here I come!
That’s great! I can’t wait to hear more! Amazing work!
11th is awesome! You got up there, strutted your stuff and from what I can see looked super hot and confident! Congratulations!!!!
Thanks! It was so much fun. I have so much more confidence now than I ever did.