3 Things To Stay Sane During A Big Deadline

Have you ever asked yourself, “When does the craziness end? When do I get time for me again?” I’m at that point right now. I’m the co-chair of the Women’s March on Texas Capitol and no Spartan race could have prepared me for the amount of obstacles and hurdles our committee has had to jump through to bring this event to the finish line.
The Rally at the Capitol is going to be Saturday, January 18, 2020 from noon – 3pm. This is the same day that my son’s science fair project is due and my daughter’s Girl Scout cookie sales begin, because of course.
We are an all-volunteer team of women with day jobs and families and pets, so this is been a second full-time job on top of things. I’ll bet you can relate. If you are reading my blog, my guess is at some point in your life you have volunteered for the PTA, Boy/Girl Scouts, kids sport team mom, church group or some nonprofit organization while still getting food on the table and laundry folded (if not necessarily put away).
Here’s what I’m doing to stay sane (and you can try these too):
3 Things To Stay Sane During A Big Deadline
- Picture your life AFTER the deadline is met. Visualize that your project went well and people feel enthusiastic about the results. Picture yourself smiling upon completion and then taking a well deserved nap or binge-watching your favorite show.
- Take a long walk or go on the elliptical. Exercise releases endorphins and help you think more creatively. It also keeps you away from unduly snacking on junk food mindlessly.
- Divide and conquer. Break down your project into smaller components and ASK FOR HELP to complete these tasks. There is no need to be a martyr.
How do you get through the craziness of a big project or event? I’d love to hear your suggestions.
Lisa 😉
Want to Train with Me?
Local to Austin/Round Rock/Pflugerville? Email me – Lisa@sheslosingit.com. I offer personal training sessions at a private gym: $70 session. That includes a customized suggested meal plan. Spaces limited!
Lisa Traugott is a personal trainer, Mom’s Choice Award writer, original cast member of FOX/John Cena’s “American Grit” and has a monthly fitness column on Bowflex.com. She won Ms. Costa Rica Sports Model 2017 and her transformation story was featured in Muscle & Fitness Hers, Good Day Austin, Great Day Houston and Austin Woman Magazine. She blogs at ShesLosingIt.com and is passionate about her clients.
ShesLosingIt.com (c) 2012-2019 Lisa Traugott. All rights reserved. No portion of this blog, including any text, photographs, video, and artwork, may be reproduced or copied without written permission.