Winter Workout Outfits

Holy moly, I hate the cold! (That’s why I live in Texas). But for two weeks each year it actually gets cold in Austin, so I have to bust out my winter workout outfits.
If it’s only so-so cold I can get away with wearing a long-sleeve shirt, fleece jacket and cute headband that covers my ears, like in this family pic from our trip to Utah.

But if it’s super cold, I throw fashion to the wind and wear as many layers as is humanly possible while still maintain movement, as is evidenced in this photo from my time on Season 1 of “American Grit”. My friends and family like to tease me that I look like Ralphie’s little brother in “A Christmas Story” who’s wearing so many snowsuits he can’t lower his arms down.

Anyway, if I’m running in the cold or doing trail runs in the winter this is what I wear:
- Base layer (wool blend)
- Dry-wic long sleeve shirt
- Fleece jacket
- Dry-wic scarf
- Wind-resistant, dry-wic pants
- Wool hat
- Gloves
- Wool socks
- Sneakers

And if I’m being 100% honest I’d even put on that giant jacket from American Grit if it was cold enough! My thought is that if I get too hot I can always take off a layer.
How about you? What’s your favorite winter workout outfit? Post your pic with the hashtags #ShesLosingIt and #SLIMethod to join in on the Fitness Challenge.
Be healthy.
Want to Train with Me?
Local to Austin/Round Rock/Pflugerville? Email me – I offer personal training sessions at a private gym: 5 sessions/$250. That includes a customized suggested meal plan. Spaces limited!

If you are interested in signing up for my online personal training programs, click here to order now: SLI Method. Monthly online training is $125/mo. and includes a customized suggested meal plan plus weekly workouts to do on your own based on the equipment available to you.
Lisa Traugott is a Mom’s Choice Award winning writer, published author, fitness blogger, wife and mom of two….and Original Cast Member of AMERICAN GRIT, starring John Cena, on FOX! (c) 2012-2018 Lisa Traugott. All rights reserved. No portion of this blog, including any text, photographs, video, and artwork, may be reproduced or copied without written permission.