American Grit – Meet Cadre Tee Hanible

I am Tee Hanible a retired GySgt in the United States Marine Corps, wife, mother of four and founder of Operation Heroes Connect and co-founder of About FACE Veteran Modeling Agency.
What is Operation Heroes Connect and how did you get involved?
I started Operation Heroes Connect in August 2011 while still on active duty. OPHC is an organization that partners service members and veterans with at risk youth as well as provide free summer camp programs for youth.

Why is this charity important to you?
This organization is important to me because as a child I was put into foster care and later adopted. Growing up I always longed to have someone to talk to or someone to give me a listening ear in regards to everything that I was going through.
Why did you want to be on American Grit?

When I got the email asking me to be on American Grit I was excited to have the opportunity to show America a glimpse into military training and leadership styles. I was equally excited to represent females in the military, something that had never been done before on such a national level.
Do you have any advice this Mother’s Day for other single moms trying to balance conflicting responsibilities?
Great question, I was a single mom for many years and even deployed as a single mom. I think one of the biggest pieces of advice is to ensure that you have a great support system. Whether it’s grandparents, friends, or extended family, a great support system can and will always help to balance those conflicts.
How do you push past obstacles?
I push past obstacles by understanding that any and all obstacles are just temporary. Once a person understands that then there is nothing they can’t conquer!
Final thoughts?
Life isn’t about avoiding the bruises, it’s about collecting the scars to prove that we showed up to the battle!
To Learn more about our organization go to
Lisa 😉
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Lisa Traugott is a Mom’s Choice Award winning writer, fitness blogger, wife and mom of two….and Original Cast Member of AMERICAN GRIT, starring John Cena, Thursdays at 9 PM EST/8 PM CST on FOX!!! (c) 2012-2016 Lisa Traugott. All rights reserved. No portion of this blog, including any text, photographs, video, and artwork, may be reproduced or copied without written permission.