I’m Going to Be on a Reality TV Show!!!!

OMG I’m on a Reality TV Show!!!!
For MONTHS I’ve been keeping a huge secret and it’s been killing me, but now, here it is…..
I’m on the cast of American Grit!!!! It’s going to be Thursdays at 9pm on FOX.
Sixteen athletes from across the country and across all different sports were selected to compete in teams of four in military training evolutions for the chance to win $1,000,000. We have an Olympic gold medalist, elite obstacle course runners, fit moms, an NFL player, a Mexican cowgirl, bodybuilders, a lumberjack, a Boston cop, a girl who does roller derby, a Team USA triathlete, a yoga instructor, a woman who worked on the Alaska fish boats for 20 years who does crossfit now and me, a mom who also does bikini competitions and novice pole dancing.
We are divided into four teams and each team is led by a real-life military hero. And did I mention that the show is hosted by John Cena!?!
If you told me three years ago that I would end up on American Grit on FOX at the age of 41, I would have thought you were nuts! My business was failing, my marriage was on the rocks and I was 50 lbs. overweight. I was sobbing about my life in my car at my daughter’s nursery school and I just asked God to fix me. I’m living proof that miracles can happen.
I was nervous about doing this show. I was afraid that I might humiliate myself or embarrass my family or that I wouldn’t be as strong as everyone else. But I did it anyway, because I want to be a Rocky for Moms.
I’m doing this show for the mom who feels frumpy and old and ugly, because that mom was me. I’m doing American Grit because I want to inspire other moms to Get Strong, Get Fit and Get Healthy, because if I can do it, hell yeah, you can too!
My name is Lisa Traugott, my blog is ShesLosingIt.com and I’m so honored to be part of the original cast of AMERICAN GRIT.
Here’s a clip of the show:
Here are what the competitors look like:
Here are the social media handles of the other cast members. Please check them out/like/follow them. And remember to SHARE THIS POST to get the word out about #AmericanGrit !!!
@marclobliner @coachtdtony @MsTabatha @lisatraugott @kjoylipson @chriskruegertsc @mariakangfitness @davidneville3 @mario27robinson @markblumberjack @barefootranch @brookevanparis @camzagami @bighaze22 @jimvaglica @ivettesaucedo @therealteemarie @noahgallowayathlete @officialreaper33 @rorketdenver @johncena @hippykidjk
@dneville3 @kjoylipson @sheslosingitnet @
Lisa 🙂
Lisa Traugott is a Mom’s Choice Award winning writer, fitness blogger, wife and mom of two….and Original Cast Member of AMERICAN GRIT on FOX!!!
ShesLosingIt.com (c) 2012-2016 Lisa Traugott. All rights reserved. No portion of this blog, including any text, photographs, video, and artwork, may be reproduced or copied without written permission.
Holy. Crap.
I don’t watch much TV, but I’ll be watching this!!
Thanks Kerri!
Love it. Love your book that Cynthia sandahl Kelly bought for me!!!! Congrats.
Thanks and I’m glad you like my book. Cynthia is the bomb!!!