You Won’t Recognize Your Body
In 2012 I was a mess: At 5’3″ and 150 lbs. my doctor told me I was borderline obese, my marriage was on the rocks, and I just received an invitation for my 20th high school reunion because the Universe has a wicked sense of humor.

None of my go-to yo-yo diets or exercise videos worked anymore, so in desperation I did something radical: I hired a personal trainer and signed up for a bodybuilding competition. I knew nothing about bodybuilding; I didn’t even know it was something women did at first. All I knew was that I wanted what those women had: a bikini body and self-confidence, two things I hadn’t seen in years.
…. An excerpt from my book, “She’s Losing It!”
“Well, what do you think about bodybuilding?” Daniel asks me at our next training session.
“I don’t know,” I say, shaking my head. “I don’t think I could ever have that many people look at me in a bikini.” I’m wearing my sweatpants that feel too tight and a ratty old green T-shirt from Walmart that covers my flabby arms.

“That’s ’cause you don’t like your body right now. After you put in hard work, trust me, you’re going to want people to look at you.”
I half smile. I’m looking down, playing with some paper at the trainer’s desk. I feel like I’m jumping off a cliff into the unknown. I’ll never be able to do this, I think.
I guess my face is wearing my thought because he smiles and says, “Lisa, you’re going to be amazed by what you’re going to accomplish in one month. You won’t recognize your body. Let’s take your measurements.” He picks up his clipboard and begins to walk away. I take a deep breath and follow him. Let the bodybuilding begin.
Bodybuilding changed my life. Having a great trainer changed my life. Daniel taught me about nutrition, how to do deadlifts and held me accountable. In five months I lost 50 lbs. and walked on stage in a bikini.

Going through that process of preparing for a competition was one of the most difficult things I’ve ever done in my life – mentally, physically and emotionally. One morning on a long run I had a breakthrough.
“I’m running along a creek now and the sun begins to rise. Faster and faster I run.
- I’m losing it.
- I’m losing the weight.
- I’m losing the excuses, self-sabotage, and worrying over what everybody thinks.
- I’m losing the starving myself and binging, and the feelings of guilt and self-loating after.
I’m at the top of the hill now and my arms rise above my head, because in losing everything,
I just won back myself.”
That was three years ago and I’m still competing today. I won 2nd place at my last competition and in a week will be competing for 1st place to be come a professional bikini athlete. I’m 41, a mother of two, and my husband and I are going on our 12th anniversary.

And now I’m a personal trainer.
I’d love to help guide you through your own fitness journey. I am currently accepting clients to train with me at Conquer Fitness in Round Rock. My rates are $45/hour. No gym memberships fees, just the training costs.
Not local? For online clients, my rate is $125/month and that includes one (1) customized meal plan and four (4) weekly workout plans for the month. I have clients who are vegetarian and clients who don’t have access to a gym.
And remember, there are always tons of free articles and videos on my blog and social media accounts about nutrition, exercise and how to deal with small children, because I want to empower all women to get healthy.
Want to get to know me better? Check out my memoir, “She’s Losing It!” . It was called the “Best New Year/New You Book” by the Statesman Social and has a 5-star ranking on It’s like a Rocky for Moms. Click here to buy your copy today: SHESLOSINGIT
I know what it is to desperately want to change your life but not know how, because I lived it. And got through it as a stronger woman. And if I can transform my body, so can you.
You can reach me at
Be healthy.
Lisa 😉
Lisa Traugott is a Mom’s Choice Award winning writer, fitness blogger, wife and mom of two.
Click here to buy your copy of: “She’s Losing It!” (c) 2012-2015 Lisa Traugott. All rights reserved. No portion of this blog, including any text, photographs, video, and artwork, may be reproduced or copied without written permission.