Skinny Isn’t Sexy
At the gym today Amy M. and I were working out with our trainer, Mel, and catching up on each other’s weekends. Mel had seen the movie Dallas Buyers Club with Matthew McConaughey (an extra big star to us here in Austin, Texas,) and was floored not only by his acting, but also by his physical transformation. See below:

The movie is based on the true story of Ron Woodruff, a drug addict who gets AIDS in the 1980’s, and has to smuggle live-saving drugs from Mexico, which he then tells other AIDS patients about. For the role he lost 38 pounds. Another actor in the movie, Jared Leto, wasted away to play a transexual in the movie. This is his after and before.

We looked at their pictures on Mel’s cell phone and were shocked. Amy said, “I wish women who think that being super skinny is sexy would look at these pictures and see that it’s not the case. It’s so hard for women to see themselves clearly, but maybe if they saw it on a man, they would realize that skinny isn’t sexy; healthy is.”
Well said, Amy! What do you think?
- @sheslosingitnet
- (c) 2013 Lisa Traugott. All rights reserved. No portion of this blog, including any text, photographs, and artwork, may be reproduced or copied without written permission.
“Skinny” is not necessarily sexy, but “physically fit” always is!
i will never be “skinny”, but i’m working my way to fit and strong a little bit more every day!
Strong is the new Skinny.
Oooo. She said it so well. This isn’t sexy. This is horrible.
Fit is healthy.
You can call me muuuud
I agree! That is a brilliant way to put it… Can’t wait to see this movie!
Me too. I heard the acting is great and you will look at the FDA differently after seeing the movie.