November Goals + October Goals – How Did I Do?

Every month I write up some goals and then check back at the end of the month.

October Goals – How Did I Do?

  1. Do a splitStatus?  Ha ha!  You can call me a lot of names, but Gumby isn’t one of them.  I’m definitely making improvements though.  I can now do cartwheels and roundoffs and I stretch almost every day.  My left leg can almost do a side split.  My right leg says, “Nah, girl, I don’t bend like that.”

    Stretching with band
    Stretching with band
  2. Finish editing my bookStatusShe’s Losing It! (the book version of this blog, writing about how I lost 50 lbs. through bodybuilding) is almost finished.  Yay!  I’ve given drafts out to two beta readers, and my husband, Henri, finished reading it.  What’s tricky about turning a blog into a book is that a blog is written for not only the core group of followers, but also new readers, so there is a lot of explanation that needs to be edited out from the book version.  For example, if I just wrote “Henri read my book” and this was your first time reading this post you’d be like, “Who is Henri and why do I care that he read a book?”  If you are reading the book though, by page 40 you should know who all the main characters are without little reminders.

    Play Doh helps to develop fine motor skills
    Play Doh helps to develop fine motor skills
  3. Help Little Henry with his fine motor skills.  My son is four and has trouble holding a pencil and writing.  So this month we have been tracing letters and using Play Doh but not enough for him to write them by himself yet.  *sigh*

So in summary:  These goals are going to take a lot longer than a month!

November Goals

See October goals….

How about you?  Do you have any goals for the month?

Lisa ;) (c) 2013 Lisa Traugott.  All rights reserved.  No portion of this blog, including any text, photographs, and artwork, may be reproduced or copied without written permission.

10 thoughts on “November Goals + October Goals – How Did I Do?

  1. I’m thinking about getting more stretching done in my training. Flexibility is never overrated 🙂
    Sorry to hear that you can’t split as of yet but that right leg will surely give in soon and say: “Oh, I give up. I will bent that way.” 🙂

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