Tell Me Something Good
Happy pre-hump day! I’ll tell you my good news if you tell me yours…
Here’s My Good News:
- Set a personal record this morning with dumbbell bent over rows: I lifted 35 lbs.! With one arm!!! I feel like a Ninja Warrior!
- The girls from the team clued me into Extra Dessert Delights. It’s sugar free gum but it comes in a variety of dessert flavors, like orange creme pop, raspberry vanilla cupcake and mint chocolate chip. When you are craving dessert but want to stick to your diet, these things are the bomb. (No, I’m not getting paid to write that.)
- I’m finally getting around to watching Breaking Bad. (I’ve mentioned that I’m a mother of small children, right?) I’m on episode 4 of season 1 and only have like 50 shows to go until I’m caught up with what’s going on this year, so don’t spoil anything for me!
How about you? What’s your good news?
- @sheslosingitnet
- (c) 2013 Lisa Traugott. All rights reserved. No portion of this blog, including any text, photographs, and artwork, may be reproduced or copied without written permission.
The root beer float Extra gum is my fave! Congrats on your latest lifting achievement!
Thanks! Will have to try root beer float. Mmmm
I’ve seen that gum in the store but never tried it. Sounds good!
I’ve only seen the first episode or two of Breaking Bad. My husband says that his sister and co-worker both say he looks just like this nasty meth dealer in the show. I guess his sister stopped watching because of that. lol
How weird! LOL. People say that my husband looks like Sean Penn. Henri says in response, “Too bad I look like Sean Penn instead of Brad Pitt!”
35lbs are so awesome. Well done. You rock!
Good news from my side: School holidays starting on Friday – whoo hoo!
Let’s hear it for vacation!!