Crazy Hair Day
School’s out! Yay! No more papers for me to read and sign! No more Pajama Days to remember! No more…wait what!?! Summer camp is having a Crazy Hair Day? Are you kidding me? It’s the first week!

So I fixed the kids hair, got them locked and loaded in the car, (I was VERY proud of myself for making their lunches the night before,) all I needed now was the car keys.
The car keys….
I switched gym bags, so I checked both of them. Not there. Looked in the Tupperware bowl where they are supposed to be. No sign. Checked my desk, the counter, my jeans pockets, the laundry. Nothin’.
Alright. Time for the big guns. I prayed to St. Anthony, patron saint of lost stuff. “Saint Anthony, turn around. Something’s lost that must be found.” That will do the trick. St. Anthony always helps me.

Message from St. Anthony:
Dear Lisa – I see that you are no longer attending a Catholic church, but are now going to a Protestant church. Find your own damn keys. Regards, St. Anthony
Doh! I pull in my kids from the car so some neighbor doesn’t call the cops to arrest me for having my kids in the car while I’m in the house, and enlist their help. They pull apart couch cushions and look under tables. We did not find the keys but we did find 14 socks, three Zoobles and a Popsicle stick.
“Mommy, I found it!” said Rylee. Alas, it was not the right key. She insisted I try it, but I had to explain to her that the Barbie suitcase key would not start the car. It’s now AN HOUR LATER and I did an impromptu house cleaning thinking it might be in laundry baskets or under piles of toys. Finally, I texted my client to see if she saw it the other day and my client suggested I check the trash…
Guess which trash bag the keys were in? Hint: Not the nice one with recycled office papers. Remember that post I wrote the other day about the green smoothies I made? My husband has been trying out lots of smoothie recipes lately. Ever see/smell/touch week old left over fruit? Yeah, they were in that bag. And the keys weren’t at the top of the bag either, ’cause where’s the fun in that, right?

I washed the slime off my hands and keys, dropped off the kids to crazy hair day and headed to the gym, late for my session with my trainer, Mel. I showed her my newly dyed hair (I’m going brunette for the show) and she informed me the ends were turning green. Guess I was having my own crazy hair day too.
Oh well, it could have been worse. One of my other teammates forgot her undies and had to wear scrubs for 12 hours commando.
How’s your weekend starting off?
- @sheslosingitnet
- (c) 2013 Lisa Traugott. All rights reserved. No portion of this blog, including any text, photographs, and artwork, may be reproduced or copied without written permission.
My weekend is fine thanks. About to have a baby too, just thought you should know.
A baby what? (I can’t imagine the answer…)
I so happy to hear that schools out 🙂 Always an exciting time. The weekend should be really good I am about to conduct my Spartan Unleashed course!!
OOOOh! How was a Spartan Unleashed?
Oh my! It sounds like you’ve had a crazy (ha!) start!
If the ends of your hair are still iffy, maybe using a tinted shampoo for brown hair will help?
I’m making an appointment with a different hair stylist. Gross your fingers I don’t turn my hair into a giant green smoothie.
Have done the garbage key search and it was awful! Heart goes out to you!
OMG! Did it have to be smoothie trash??? LOL
No, but garbage from homemade baby food… Just as gross.
Started my weekend with CrossFit this morning, hit the driving range this aft, and went for a stroll around the ‘hood after dinner. So far, so good!
That sounds like a great weekend 🙂