Quick Kettlebell Workout
Kettlebell workouts are good if you want to combine strength and cardio and have a limited amount of time to spend at the gym. (Sound familiar?)

3 Kettlebell Moves:
- Snatch – Start with a kettlebell between your feet, with your knees bent. Pull the kettlebell up and then raise over your head. At the top the kettlebell will naturally flip to the other side of your forearm. This exercise targets your shoulders, chest and back and is considered a more advanced move. Caution! When that bell flops over it can really hurt your arm, which is why I wear my KettleGuards. They are kind of like shin guards but you wear them on your wrists. (You can find out more here: KettleGuard.)
- Front Squat – Start by standing with your legs wider than hip distance. Hold a kettlebell with both hands in front of your chest, with elbows at your sides. Lower down into a squat until your thighs are parallel to the ground and then return to standing. This targets your legs, glutes and back. Try for 15 reps.
- Kettlebell Russian Twist – This will really work your abs – obliques too! Sit on the ground with your legs bent, holding the kettlebell with both hands at your chest. Lean back to a 45 degree angle then rotate from right to left, twisting at the waist and touching the kettlebell to the ground. Do as many reps as you can with good form.
The trickiest move for me is the snatch, so here’s a clip of Master of Sport, Jessica DiBiase, demonstrating the proper form.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44JtE3MW3sg&w=560&h=315]
Do you use kettlebells as part of your workout? What’s your favorite move?
Lisa 😉
- @sheslosingitnet
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I like kettle bells but they are dangerous in the wrong hands people use them in inappropriate places that makes me nervous
I’m afraid when I see someone really sweaty holding one. I’m afraid the kettlebell will slip from his hands and I’ll get whacked upside my head.
I’m pretty sure I did about 9000 kb swings the other day at my gym’s instructor training. My glutes and lats hurt for days!!
I’m hurting just reading that.
I don’t use kettlebells at the moment, but I really enjoy working with them when I do – there’s something about the swing and heft of them that I adore. That said, I also loved shot put and discus when I was at school.
Hey, maybe I just love throwing heavy stuff around? 😉
But seriously, they’re an awesome tool for fitness.
I’ve never tried shot put or discus. I’d be afraid I’d throw it into the crowd, know my luck – LOL!
Hey did anyone watch the video? That girl is not using good technique, I thought you need to bend at the knees more
She might be using a different technique that you are used to seeing in a gym as she is a competitor. She won quite a few gold medals and was the first American woman to be named Master of Sport.
I have unfortunately no knowledge of KB training but hoping that in my quest of studying towards Personal Trainer that this is one of the modules is KB training.
Which course are you taking for your CPA? I went with NASM. They gave a few kettlebell exercises but not a ton.
I will be trying this this week!
Cool – let me know how it goes!