Pop Quiz: Open or Closed
Pop Quiz: When you are lifting really, really heavy weights (like over 5 lbs.) do you:

A) Close your eyes
B) Stop breathing
C) All of the above
D) What are you talking about, Lisa? Of course my eyes are open and I’m breathing.
If you answered D, I’m not going to player hate, but that’s only because I won’t be able to see you and it’s tough talking smack without breathing.
How about you? Do you close your eyes or hold your breath?
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When I started my first Kickboxing class, I always held my breath when I was punching on the punching bag. My instructor had to teach me to exhale when I punched to make sure I was breathing. It cracked him up cause he said he never had to teach someone to remember to breathe before LOL
You are in good company! I forget to breath, open my eyes, shoot half the time I forget which exercise I’m doing between reps!
My eyes close sometimes, but more importantly, my upper lip always curls into an involuntary sneer. lol.
I’ll have to try the sneer. It’ll make me look badass!
I get yelled at for holding my breath by my trainer so I have learned to breathe properly but I still close my eyes (depending on the move) sometimes. Isn’t it weird that we do that!
Yay! I’m finding people with the same idiosyncrasies as me!
A. It just seems easier with eyes shut tight.
I know – isn’t it?
If I’m lifting heavy, I generally do both, but I tend not to do seriously heavy lifting.
I don’t lift exceedingly heavy either. You don’t really need to.
New caption for picture, High protein diet makes you constipated
LOL – If you only knew….
I close my eyes regardless of lifting heavy weights or not because it make me shut out everyone around me and concentrate on my lifting 🙂
It helps me concentrate too.