You Know You’re Hardcore When…

You Know You Are Hardcore When:
1. You are totally fine with drinking egg whites.
2. You send your trainer text messages like, So sore I can’t walk today. Yay! 🙂
3. You squeal like a little girl when the new issue of Muscle & Fitness shows up in your mailbox.
4. Morgan’s Deals and LivingSocial keep sending you deals with 68% off supplement discounts.
5. You’re bummed out when it’s your “off” day on your split.
How about you? What signs made you realize just how much you loved your sport?
- @sheslosingitnet
- (c) 2013 Lisa Traugott. All rights reserved. No portion of this blog, including any text, photographs, and artwork, may be reproduced or copied without written permission.
That is a beautiful photo (I used to be a wedding photographer and I always appreciate great photos).
Aw, thanks! Let’s hear it for photographers and make-up!
I’m just plain addicted.
Like this weekend, for instance. My babysitter is out of town, and I’m doing the single parent thing. So – no gym 🙁
I’ve taken my daughter to the pool and the playground and we’ve been for walks. But it isn’t the same.
Can’t WAIT for my session with my trainer on Monday morning!
Yep. Addicted 😉
I walked to the park with my kids today too. While wonderful in a parental way, it’s not really a focused workout which is fun in a different way. I like both too!
Rest days are the WORST!
YES! And I’m building muscle now so I have MORE rest days. Yuck!
You know you’re hardcore when you have to get a bigger purse to accommodate all your food for the day!
LOL! My husband got me a 6-pak lunch box for bodybuilders. It’s AWESOME!!
Awesome! I definitely need to get one of those! I’ve heard nothing but good things about them.
You don’t mind eating your chicken and broccoli cold or your fish and sweet potatoes cold because you have to eat every 2-3 hours and you wouldn’t dare skip a meal even if there is no microwave in sight.