Ah, Hell No!

This week my schedule was all sorts of messed up. I’ve been working like crazy to get all the business expenses in Quicken so I can do all the year-end financial reporting, which means I’ve got stacks of papers surrounding my computer; I hate that!
And speaking of crazy, there were the Christmas Crazies this week too. Baked 2 dozen cookies for Rylee’s class. Went to Christmas concert and ate said cookies. Saw Santa at Heritage Park. Ate more cookies and drank hot chocolate while waiting in line. Saturday was my off day at the gym, but no worries, right? Booty camp is tomorrow…
Text from Mel: “Booty camp is cancelled.”
Damn! Shouldn’t have eaten those cookies after all! (Let’s face it – shouldn’t have eaten those cookies booty camp or not.) Should have gone to the gym on my own but went to early church service instead and then didn’t feel like getting all sweaty after that so I just hung out at home.

We had a mini-emergency and Henri had to board the plane for CA for 4 days to deal with it. There goes my gym schedule. Can’t work out in the mornings and haven’t had the chance to figure out the Kids Club payments yet, so I didn’t get to the gym. I was going out of my mind so I did an upper body Tabata workout in my kitchen using 5 lb weights and my stove clock as the timer. It wasn’t ideal but it was something.
Baked more cookies for Rylee’s school party on Tuesday. (Ate some six of the cookies.) Baked cookies for Henry’s nursery school party on Wednesday but decided to eat them at home with the kids and brought strawberries and snowman plates for the party instead. Ate cheese and crackers at said party.
Had grand notions of organizing the closets when the kids went to bed. I was so tired I went to bed after they did. I’m so lame. I didn’t even watch a chick flick.

Henri came home last night and we celebrated with a date night! Woo hoo! We went to Macaroni Grill. Uh oh. I had lasagna (ate 3/4 of it,) one slice of bread with dipping oil, Caesar salad – did you know that Thursdays are 1/2 off wine bottles at Macaroni Grill? We split a bottle of red wine (it was good) and also split chocolate cake with melted chocolate sauce and cream (it was divine!) Then we watched Hunter Games and ate popcorn with butter spray.
I stepped on the scale this morning. 120 lbs. AH, HELL NO!
5 a.m. I was at the gym, sweating it out, doing my cardio penance. You would think I learned by now Cookies + No Exercise = Weight Gain.
But rather than beat myself up I’m just going to focus on eating clean and working out the rest of this week. I know a lot of this is just water weight from all the salt. I also know my body a lot better now and I’m ready to self correct.
How about you? Are you battling the holiday cookies too? Hope you are more on track than me!!
Sheslosingit.net (c) 2012 Lisa Traugott. All rights reserved. No portion of this blog, including any text, photographs, and artwork, may be reproduced or copied without written permission.
So far the holiday cookies haven’t made an appearance at our house but that won’t last long. I’m telling myself one or two cookies won’t be that bad. We’ll see how that goes.
Be strong! Learn by my cookie errors!
You can do it! At least you hit the gym after that chocolate cake! Happy holidays!
Thanks – you too!
not cookies… but fast food. sooo busy and not taking the time to cook. you my dear are braver than i. no plans to get on a scale!
Fast food is so good…bad, I mean bad. 🙂
What is butter spray? Your whole week sounds like a lot of FUN even though booty camp was canceled…
I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter spray is the most awesome dieter’s dream ever invented. Ok, that’s an overstatement, but it’s great because it has no fat and no calories and tastes like butter. But you have to use the SPRAY. The regular spread is 70 calories. I made that mistake. Oops.
I haven’t been too bad. In fact – my new cookbook about eating lean has some cookie/muffin recipes. I am making a batch of each so I can avoid bad cookies and muffins. 😉
My new quinoa cookbook has a fabulous recipe for chocolate chip cookies that uses quinoa flour, oats and honey instead of sugar. But…then there are the chocolate chips…and you are probably only supposted to eat like one or two cookies and not like one or two dozen. Doh!