Blogger Challenge: How Will You Keep Busy When You Retire?

Fitness-wise, I’m pretty sure at a certain age bikini competitions just won’t work. I mean, I might feel great but at 84 they probably would just hand me a trophy and say, “Keep your shirt on, Granny.”
That’s why I will have to train to be a Jedi Knight. Think about it: Yoda was like 800 years old and kicked some serious Count Dooku ass in Star Wars 2. I don’t even really like the entire Star Wars series, but I will admit to shouting out , “Damn! You go, Muppet!” in the movie theater.
On the day-to-day tasks of retirement, I’m sure I will be busy trying to get my husband, Henri, to get out of the house so he doesn’t drive me nuts.
And you? How will you keep busy when you retire?
P.S. – Happy Friday (c) 2012 Lisa Traugott. All rights reserved. No portion of this blog, including any text, photographs, and artwork, may be reproduced or copied without written permission.
LOL! Love this. 🙂
May the Force be with you