5 Favorite Workout Songs and Why
5 Favorite Workout Songs & Why
My music selections directly correlates to a) the exercises I’m doing and b) to the fact that I have no idea how to download any new music onto my iPod, so most of it is from the last time my husband uploaded the stuff two years ago. Let’s hear it for being cutting edge!
- God Bless The Dead – 2Pac Featuring Stretch, Greatest Hits (Disc 1). I listen to this whenever I’m struggling to lift heavy weights. It’s so aggressive and in-your-face it makes me want to punch someone (or at minimum lift the weight.) Sometimes a Mommy just needs her gansta rap. Thug Life, Baby. Yeah.
- Tom’s Diner – DNA Featuring Suzanne Vega. Planks are really difficult for me, so I like getting lost in the lyrics of this song to keep my mind off the clock. It reminds me of the Tick Tock Diner in New York City off Times Square where my family always used to eat when we would come into town to see a Broadway show.
- Slam – Onyx. This is a great song for treadmill sprints because the tempo is upbeat and keeps me running faster.
- Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own – U2. Bono wrote this song about his father’s battle with cancer and their battles trying to connect with each other as father and son. There is a crescendo where the lyrics go, “Do you hear me when I sing? You are the reason that I sing. You’re the reason why the opera is in me.” When I am running at sunrise this is always the song I listen to as I crest over the hill and I reach my arms up to the sky and remember my own father who died of cancer.
- Sexy – Black Eyed Peas. I’m trying to work on my swagger/sassiness for my next bikini competition so this gets played as I stretch my hips out in the sauna. It’s kind of fun to wonder if someone is going to peek at me stretching and appreciate the view.
What are your favorite workout songs and why?
Sheslosingit.net (c) 2012 Lisa Traugott. All rights reserved. No portion of this blog, including any text, photographs, and artwork, may be reproduced or copied without written permission.
OMG Lisa – you made me laugh AND cry from reading this post. When is your next bikini comp? Do you compete in the NPC?
Thanks! My next bikini competition is on November 3 with the NPC division. I’m starting to get really excited about training for it again. Do you compete too?
Awesome! You are so amazing to diet through the fall. Kudos to you! Yes, I do compete. I have competed in 2 bikini and one figure comp through the NPC. I love meeting people through fitness! I can’t wait to dive into your blog a bit more. Your story is amazing.
Your hilarious Lisa!!!!
I’m to Sexy by Right Said Fred, Bohemian Rhapsody, Let’s hear it for the Boy, Kryptonite, Single Ladies
Great songs! I seriously need to learn how to download off iTunes.
Love finding all the new blogs and new songs to checkout for my playlist as well. Looking forward to more posts during the blog challenge
I wonder if I already own the Sexy song. I know I own the CD’s but getting them back from my daughter is the hard part lol
Funny how daughters manage to get all the good stuff!
My two faves: Stronger by Kanye West gets me through a hard set. Sexy and I know it by LMFAO to get me through heavy lunges on the Smith machine.
Kanye West is so talented!
Love to run to MJ classics. Gets me pumped!
Me too!