Morning! Only 101 Days Until Texas Shredder

Thank you Lisa Hamilton – Fit Fabulous and Almost 40 – for reminding me that the Texas Shredder is only 101 Days away. Yikes!!!! I better get my butt in gear!
Off to the gym. Just doing a 10 min cardio worm up and then leg exercises. Thanks Marci for music suggestion – Going with Eminem.
Eating some almonds first – yum.
Also – for any Texans out there, August 17 is tax free weekend on all back-to-school stuff and clothing. Sneakers are on that list and boy do I need some new ones.
Work outs + construction work all day = hammered shoes

Get good sneakers! I love my new ones!
You might also want to get one pair just for workouts and a different pair for work. Just sayin’
I think I’m going to splurge and get 5 pairs of sneakers. Whoo-hoo!