Run Like a Girl

A lot of people I know are training for a race of some sort and it makes me want to start running again too.
I used to joke that the only way you would ever see me run was if you put a lion behind me. That was four marathons ago.
When my dad was diagnosed with cancer in 2000 I ran a 5k in his honor and sent him my bib number. He was really touched by it. He died in 2002. Then I ran marathons in his memory, each time with Team in Training, each time raising more money for cancer research.
I’ll write about fundraising in a different post. Right now I’ll share some running tips that were helpful to me and might be helpful to you.
1. If you are running the Marine Corps Marathon in DC – the hill is at the end. This is because Marines are crazy. Make sure you have at least 3 packets of Gu saved for the hill. Go with a berry flavor; the chocolate Gu will dry out your mouth and who the hell needs dry mouth when you’re climbing a big-ass hill?
2. When you go to the check in the day before the race you will get tons of freebies in your goodie bag. Do not eat anything from your bag until AFTER the race. You will also see totally cool things to purchase, like top-of-the-line running sneakers. Do not wear them until AFTER the race. You have no idea how your body will react to these things so why even have the possibility of an upset stomach or blistered feet when you have been training with your own food and shoes all along, right?
3. Speaking of blisters – you will get blisters. Go to the medical tent after the race and have them pop it with a needle. Sounds gross (it is) but you will at least be able to walk easier.
4. You will want to sit in the hotel hot tub after the race, but don’t. Your muscles really need ice not heat. If at all possible take a cold shower to prevent swelling.
5. This is YOUR race. You might look at the person next to you and think, “I’m going to beat that Granny!” but if Granny is faster than you, you’ll get winded by mile 18. Not to brag, but I run at the speed of walking. Seriously, at the LA Marathon a person with one leg on a rollerskate finished before me. But so what? I finished! And so will you.
I’ll post more tips later. Hope these are helpful!
Lisa (c) 2012 Lisa Traugott. All rights reserved. No portion of this blog, including any text, photographs, and artwork, may be reproduced or copied without written permission.
Thanks for the great tips! I am planning to tackle my first full marathon this spring–my training plan starts on Christmas Eve!–and until then, I’m soaking up all the knowledge possible 🙂
That’s so great! There is a lot of good information out there about form, running shoes, nutrition, etc. The most important thing I learned was that it’s really a mental thing. “If you can run 10 miles you can run a marathon,” and “When you’re tired, just pick up your feet and keep going,” were the two phrases that helped me on tough training days. Good luck!
“I run at the speed of walking.” Ha! Me too. I think a good 90% of my effort goes into vertical movement, not horizontal — I look like a very slow-moving bunny when I run.
Thanks for recommending this post!
You’re welcome 🙂