3rd Nomination! Very Inspiring Blogger Award!
Oops, I did it again…a 3rd nomination for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award! How cool is that?
So thank you Charlie from http://howskinny.wordpress.com/ for following my blog and nominating me. (Her blog is really funny and has a lot of good fitness and diet tips – check it out!)
So I get to tell y’all seven more things about me and recommend some blogs.
7 Things About Me
- OK – This isn’t about me but I’m sharing it anyway. Little Henry is potty trained now!!! Hallelujah! He was having way too much fun being the baby so I decided to annoy him into compliance. I set a timer and took him to the potty every 18 minutes, telling him that I would continue this forever until he decided to start going to the bathroom by himself. Guess what? Maternal annoyance works!
- My husband and I own an apartment building in Austin, TX. I will be working there all summer doing construction. Today we did demo (sledge hammers ROCK!) and scraped the ceiling.
Scraping the ceiling 3. On a whim my senior year in high school I signed up for the Powder Puff Football Team. My position was Tight End…the irony is not lost on me.
- 4. Every year for my birthday I do something to scare myself. This year it was 1-start a blog, 2-learn to shoot a gun, 3- enter a bikini contest (at age 38 and size 14…talk about scaring myself into following a diet!) I’m thinking of things for next year. Maybe become fluent in Spanish, sky dive, and learn math? Honestly, I’d rather jump out of the plane than learn math. I’m so bad at it!
5. My daughter, Rylee, is all about the Disney princesses. I was a bit of a tomboy (you see I do construction, right?) so the girly-girly stuff is new to me, but fun. My sister-in-law, Cindy, is trying to expand Rylee’s role model horizons, so for her 5th birthday she gave Rylee Bat Girl, Super Girl and Wonder Woman costumes.

6. You know you’re getting older when…slang is suddenly confusing. I was at the gym the other night and two college kids were saying goodbye to each other and one said, “Laters.” When did “Later” become plural? I thought it was just a quirky thing from the Shades of Grey book; I didn’t know people actually said that to each other.
7. My continuing quest to replace the Anti-christ of beverages (Diet Pepsi) with something healthier but equally yummy, has found a real contender. Cranberry Raspberry Sparkling Water. My husband found it at H-E-B for 57 cents. No calories. No sodium. It does have Splenda though…but who cares? It’s not Diet Pepsi!
Enough about me! Here are some great blogs:
I love this blog. If you read nothing else, read about her 65th birthday. http://cancerkillingrecipe.wordpress.com/2012/04/06/my-65-th-birthday/
My Operation Ass Lift found an ally! Fit Butt Fabulous lists the most insane butt workout ever. Guess what I’m going to try out? http://fitbuttfabulous.wordpress.com/2012/06/28/1000-rep-workout/
http://thisisunedited.wordpress.com/2012/06/23/my-privilege/ A very thought provoking blog about everything under the sun.
Share the Wealth by Little Runner Girl
This is everything you need to know to get started on healthy eating…grocery list, meal plan, recipes…it’s all there!
Marita is all about fitness and fashion. I tried her high intensity cardio routine and it was really good. (Was not brave enough to try the kale chips though…) http://sweetestsunrise.wordpress.com/2012/05/11/easy-kale-chips/
Victoria is doing some deliberate living. She’s focusing on eating clean, exercising, and God. She also works at Covenant House. This article shows all the things her man, Brad, ate before eating clean. http://madeforvictory.com/2012/06/25/the-man-of-many-appetites/
Sunny Sleevez gives a lot of info about protecting your skin from the sun and also gives healthy living tips. http://sunnysleevez.wordpress.com/category/sun-safe-info/
Shankle’s Blog. He’s 19 and creative and here are some pics of his hometown: http://shankle.wordpress.com/2012/07/08/my-old-kentucky-home/#comment-70
This post was funny because it talks about the Insanity video cardio section, which requires doing hip thrusts, and hoping your kids don’t walk in! (You think that’s embarrassing, try practicing bikini poses when your kids aren’t looking!) http://coachcrystalspadawan.wordpress.com/2012/04/18/insanity-pure-cardio-and-cardio-abs/
Hope you enjoy!
Wow congrats!! You are very inspiring! I love your blog. Thanks for mentioning my blog, Brad will be so excited that he is moving up in blog world. I’m new to this and had no idea what a ping back was until today. Hahaha thanks again! Look forward to reading more of your posts. Rockin awesome you volunteered at the Cov.
Hi Victoria,
Hy husband, Henri, is feeling pretty famous too – LOL! Kudos to you and your journey!
I don’t know if my last comment went through. Since I am new to blogging and the idea of awards, I was wondering if I am suppose to do what you did here. Does it mean I am now nominated for this award? Does it mean that this is my first blog award?!?!? Lol
Sorry for the delayed reply – my internet has been out for three days! Yes, by virtue of nomination you get to post the award on your blog. Congrats!
Thanks Lisa for the nomination! I really like how you challenge yourself to one scary thing a year. It’s such a great idea! I’m also glad you liked the cardio workout. I’ve recently done a few more that I need to post! Nothing like a sweaty cardio workout 🙂
Hi Marita,
You’re welcome 🙂 I just rebloged a super crazy butt workout called 1,000 reps. You might like it.
Great job with the nomination!