Fit Fashion is Upping Its Game

It’s Fashion Week in NYC, so in honor of that let’s talk gym fashion.  The most interesting thing I’ve read about so far is called the Polo Tech smartshirt by Ralph Lauren.

Polo Tech Smartshirt
Polo Tech Smartshirt

Here’s the gist:  While you are exercising using a special fitness app, your smartshirt is gathering data about your vital statics and is sending them to the app in real time.  Based on this information, the app will adjust the next exercise for you to do to get the maximum results, for a customized workout.

Silver fibers woven into the fabric of the activeware shirt send signals to your iPhone with information about your heart rate, breathing, stress levels, steps taken and calories burned based on g-force measurements.ralph-lauren-polotech-shirt-07

It’s fascinating to see how technology, fitness and fashion are combining and I’m curious to see if it will catch on or not.  It retails for $295.

On a less high-tech note, I’ve been seeing the wild legging trends all over Instagram and at gyms where I workout.  By wild I mean very loud colors splashed all over a person’s lower half making a statement that says, “Look at me NOW.”  I usually like to be more incognito when I’m training on my own so I can be all stealth like and take over the squat rack before anyone notices.  I guess I’m more Ninja fashion that way.

I am Ninja.  You can't hear me roar...'cause I'm a ninja
I am Ninja. You can’t hear me roar…’cause I’m a ninja

Fashion is a good indication to other people what’s going on with you.  For example, my trainer always knows when it’s Instagram picture day, because that’s when I’ll wear cute clothes from my clothing sponsors and lipstick.  The rest of the time I’m in sweats and consider the public lucky if my hair is brushed.

Doing rows - yoga pants by ScoopNYC
Doing rows – yoga pants by ScoopNYC
Wearing clothes from @shineathletica
Wearing clothes from @shineathletica

The one thing I am pretty consistent with though is wearing funny t-shirts.  I figure if people are going to look at my chest while I lift anyway, why not provide thought provoking advertising for my blog?  Here are some of my favorites:

Be nice to me or I'll blog about you

Turning 40 is Fabulous (but 39 is even better)
Turning 40 is Fabulous (but 39 is even better)
Sometimes a mommy just needs here gangsta rap
Sometimes a Mommy just needs her gangsta rap

nothing-tastes-as-good-as-skinny-except-chocolateHow about you?  What’s your gym fashion?  Do you wear cute clothes or ratty sweats and T’s?

Lisa 😉SLI-cowboy-hat-Lisa

Lisa Traugott is a Mom’s Choice Award winning writer, fitness blogger, wife and mom of two. Her book, “She’s Losing It!” is available at (and has a 5-star review rating!)

Available at (c) 2015 Lisa Traugott. All rights reserved. No portion of this blog, including any text, photographs, video, and artwork, may be reproduced or copied without written permission.


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