December Fitness Goals
Holy Elf on the Shelf, it’s December! The beginning of each month I set some goals for myself and then check back at the end of the month to see how I did.
November Goals – How’d I Do?
- Incorporate some organic food at Thanksgiving dinner. Status? Yes! We had organic fruits and vegetables, but at $3.99/lb for organic turkey, I just couldn’t make the financial leap this year and went with the “natural” turkey instead.
- Re-introduce flexibility training 2-3 times a week. Status? No. Did not even attempt it.
- Take a few long runs now that the weather is cooler. Status? Not even one!
Oh well, some months are better than others I guess. I’d beat myself up more for being such a slacker except for the facts: a) my mom was in the hospital for almost a week, b) her house just closed escrow, so there was a done of paperwork for me to deal with and, c) there were a bunch of things going on at my kids school this month (Science Night, Thanksgiving parade, baking for PTA, etc.).

Mostly I’m happy that I didn’t stray too far from my clean eating meal plan despite the holiday and stressful circumstances.
December Goals
- Cardio every Monday and Wednesday Morning. I’ve been feeling zero motivation to wake up early now that the weather is colder. Enter my new secret weapon: A cardio buddy. My friend, Kim, and I decided that we will be more likely to show up to the gym if we have a standing appointment to meet each other twice a week.
- Plan my Cheat Meals. It’s hard to escape the holidays without sampling at least one cocktail and an appetizer or two. And, you know, cookies. But the rest of the time I’m sticking to my meal plan.
- Give Stuff to Charity. I read in my mother’s AARP magazine that it takes 30 hours to clean and organize your entire home, which is an hour a day for a month. I know a big pile of toys is headed our way, so I want to get ahead of the curve and start emptying out the closets and garage now and give those unused items to charity. Plus, it feels good to give to others.
How about you? Do you have any goals for December?
Lisa 😉 (c) 2014 Lisa Traugott. All rights reserved. No portion of this blog, including any text, photographs, and artwork, may be reproduced or copied without written permission