10 Things that Annoy Me
10 Things that Annoy Me

- I am older than Justin Bieber’s father.
- Every time I look in the mirror a new dark spot appears on my face.
- Ma’am
- In order to see said dark spots I have to stand really, really close to the mirror because I need reading glasses but haven’t bought them yet because that’s like admitting defeat, and do I really want to see dark spots more clearly anyway?
- I used to exercise to look good. Now I exercise just to maintain what I’ve got! Curse you 40 year-old metabolism!
- Are Millennials and Generation Y the same people? And if so, why do they get two names? I’m from Generation X, as in the Boomers and Millennials just want to X through us like we don’t even matter. No one ever talks about Gen X. We are the Peter Brady of generations.
- Millennials don’t know who Peter Brady is.
- I hate grocery shopping. Why do I have to bring my own bags to the store now? And check myself out? If I wanted to be a cashier I would have never quit my job at CVS when I was 19. I hate when the machine starts beeping at me because I don’t know which type of apple I purchased. It’s a red one! What else do you need to know? Of course I don’t know your stupid codes; I’m not a store employee! Where the hell did all the cashiers go? Hiding with a stack of forbidden plastic bags, no doubt.
- Why do commercials for McDonalds show skinny people eating burgers and fries and commercials for Weight Watchers show heavy people eating salad? Shouldn’t those actors be reversed?
- Hello Kitty turned 40 this year. We’re the same age and I still don’t get why she’s a thing.
OK, I feel much better now that I’ve vented. How about you? What drives you nuts?
ShesLosingIt.com (c) 2014 Lisa Traugott. All rights reserved. No portion of this blog, including any text, photographs, and artwork, may be reproduced or copied without written permission
And 2 Things I’m Happy About
I actually had a class on Millennials at work (how to deal with them) It was a stupid class overall but it did define them to kids who are internet natives and were directly effected by the recession, lack of work after graduating from school. So if you can remember going to school at a time before there was in internet then you are not a Millennial.
What will probably bug you more is generation z: Homeland Generation.
They have classes for dealing with Millennials!?!
Oh geez, I’m older than Hello Kitty.
The plastic bag conspiracy bugs me as well. After coming home and removing my items (which were checked out by a cashier, I refuse to use the self-checker, I’m a boomer so that is all the reason I need) I would reuse the bag in my bathroom wastebasket. They fit perfectly. Now I have to buy trash bags. And no matter what the box is labeled, small, medium, or large: they never fit. How does this benefit the environment? The store saves money. The bag makers make more money. And I have a 55 gallon bag in a 1 quart container. It’s ridiculous!
Two things I’m happy about: My home and my health.
LOL! That’s right – I had to start buying trash bag liners as well. You’re right – they don’t fit!
And I’m glad you’re healthy 🙂