Weekend Update

Happy 39th birthday!Again.
Happy 39th birthday!  Again.

This week has been tough, but there were a few nice moments too.  So which do you want to hear first?  Good news or bad news?

My husband, Henri, had a pleasant 39th (ha, ha) birthday.  He played hooky from work, got a massage and bought some new shirts.  We celebrated in the evening by going to Texas Roadhouse Grill.  It was good to get my mother out of the house for a change of scenery.  Plus any meals not cooked by me counts as a good meal 😉

And the next day he got hit by a car.

At a red light.  Seriously.  I’m not sure why this black cloud of auto accidents keeps following my family.  He has to get the bumper on his truck replaced for about $3,400 and the guy who hit him has no insurance.  Of course.  But he’s ok and that’s the important thing.

Now that we have the good news/bad news out of the way, here are the updates from the

I’m Too Busy to Take Care of Myself Challenge:

#14 – Play a Sport that Gets Your Heart Rate Up.  Does eating birthday cake get your heart rate up?

#15 – Go on a Date with Your Mate.  Our babysitter couldn’t come, so we had to improvise Friday night.  Henri ordered take out from our favorite Indian restaurant and we convinced the kids to watch TV upstairs so we could enjoy a semi-private dinner with a glass of wine.  We caught up on each other’s day and then watched, “We’re the Millers” which was surprisingly much funnier than we expected.  (Perhaps the wine helped?)  It was good just hanging out and laughing.  And comparing “I got hit by a car at a red light” stories. 😉

#16 – Catch up on Some Housework.  Ask Your Family to Help.  This was actually pretty great.  My kids brought their own laundry downstairs, picked up their toys, helped clean the bathrooms, and vacuumed their own rooms.  My husband vacuumed the rest of upstairs and my mom helped me to fold some laundry.  I cleaned everything else.  A lot of times I don’t ask for help; it was nice to have the chores split so I didn’t have to do everything alone.

Little Man.  Big basket of laundry.  Cause he changes outfits 9 times a day.
Little Man; big basket of laundry… ‘Cause he changes outfits like 9 times a day.

After cleaning we took the kids and my mom to the big park, which was relaxing.  The kids had fun swimming in the creek and my mom got some exercise walking on the paved walkways.

Henri and kids splashing in the creek
Henri and kids splashing in the creek

Speaking of exercise….One thing I’m pretty proud about is making time to exercise four (4) times this week.  I did arms on Tuesday, cardio on Wednesday, legs on Thursday and back on Friday.  It meant that I had to get up at 4 a.m., which was not even remotely easy, but I felt immediately better for doing it.

How about you?  Did you do any of the #toobusy challenges?  Today’s challenge is to do something spiritual, however you define that.

Lisa ;)

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