My Fantasy Fitness Vacation
As my thoughts turn towards summer, I can’t help but fantasize about taking a vacation. But since I am crazy a fitness enthusiast, a dream vacation for me includes hardcore exercise.
My latest obsession is with Gym Jones. No, not the cult leader who killed his followers with Kool Aid, the actual gym, Gym Jones in Salt Lake City Utah known for turning Henry Cavill into Super Man and transforming 35 actors into the warrior-killers in the movie “300.”
A typical 50 minute strength training workout is their warm-up. Their gym has no machines and no mirrors. They only accept elite athletes (and movie stars who can pay a lot of money probably) and pride themselves on breaking down their clients to build them up to the strongest they’ve ever been in their life, in an extremely short time frame. And I’m all, “Yeah? Well I trained at Metroflex for a year, and they didn’t have heat!”
Anyway, in my fantasy vacation I would train at Gym Jones from 4 a.m. until 8 a.m., take a nap, swim with my kids and husband at the beach, and then train with Alethea Austin in the afternoon to learn exotic pole dance tricks for my upcoming role as Cat Woman in the latest Marvel Comic movie.
“But Lisa,” you say, “Utah is a landlocked state, there are no beaches for you to swim at with your kids.” It’s a fantasy, Debbie Downer. And just ’cause you tried to bring me down, I’m also going to add in the part where I sprinkle magic pixie dust everywhere so my kids can fly like Tinker Bell and Peter Pan and I will be able to bring new meaning to the “Chopper” pole move, as I will literally be able to fly away in a zero gravity zone.
Or, you know, I could get some popcorn and watch “300” on Netflix with my husband. That would be pretty cool too.
How about you? Do you have a fantasy fitness vacation?
- @sheslosingitnet
- (c) 2014 Lisa Traugott. All rights reserved. No portion of this blog, including any text, photographs, and artwork, may be reproduced or copied without written permission.
Yes I have a fantasy vacation. I have all the money I need to visit the U.K. and I drop in at MI6 and they make me a double-0 agent and give all the James Bond goodies. Then I ride around ejecting bad guys from my awesome Aston Martin.
Oh that’s a good one!
The only fantasy fitness vacation I have is one where I actually do some form of exercise. For some reason I forget all about my healthy lifestyle when I leave the house for more than 24 hours!
LOL! I love it.
Mine simply involves training at the Olympic Training Center. Couldn’t even fathom the amount of work put in there but I would if given the opportunity.
That would be cool. I think I might walk in and have an immediate impulse to say, “I’m not worthy!”
Every vacation should be a fitness vacation. Nice writing, Lisa!
Agreed! And thank you 😉