Who Are You Meant to Be?
Who Are You MEANT to be?
We’ve all done it: Reached for the potato chips or cookies when we’re not even hungry. Why do we eat when we know we shouldn’t – and how can we finally get ourselves to stop?
According to Dr. Anne Dranitsaris, a psychotherapist and counselor to Oprah Winfrey, the secret lies in understanding our personality.
Emotional eating isn’t about hunger. The reason we overeat is determined by the personality we’re born with. Each of us has a primary need—when we meet that need, we feel fulfilled. Once we know what we’re really looking for when we overeat, we can find other ways to healthily satisfy our appetite.
A single diet can’t work for every personality. Dr. Dranitsaris pinpointed several common reasons why we eat, based in research from her soon to be released book Who Are You Meant to Be?, with solutions tailored to each of our personalities.
I was lucky enough to get an advanced copy of the book and am in the process of reading it right now. It’s really interesting and I’m hoping that once I learn more about my personality and motives I can develop some strategies to get my eating in check.
If it’s helpful I’ll try to get a copy for a giveaway. More details to come….
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