Why Wait Till New Years? 3 Things you can do NOW to get in Better Shape
It’s the top New Year’s Resolution every year: lose weight/get in better shape. But why wait an extra 30 days binging on gingerbread cookies? Here are 3 things you can do right now to be nice to yourself.
1. Purge your pantry. Some foods are specific to the holiday and are part of family traditions; but potato chips? Really? Gather up all your junk food (chips, sugary cereals, cookies, left over Halloween candy, etc.,) and get it out of your home. Fire Departments are usually filled with hungry people who might appreciate the snacks. There are tons of food banks at holiday times and you can also bring it into the office for the community break room pile. If it’s not within your reach, it’s less likely to be eaten.
2. Sleep. I’m the worst at this!!! But try for 6-8 hours of sleep. If the baby keeps crying in the middle of the night, try to sneak an afternoon nap when you get home from work. Why is sleep important for weight loss? According to Livestrong.com, “The amount of sleep you are able to get significantly affects two of the hormones in the human body that influence the appetite. Grehlin is a hormone in the body that enhances appetite and can lead to weight gain. Leptin is a hormone in the body that represses appetite and can support weight loss. A lack of sleep disturbs the hormonal balance and the body suffers; the result of insufficient sleep leads to an increase in Grehlin and a decrease in Leptin levels, which inevitably leads to weight gain.”
3. Keep a Gratitude Journal. I first heard about this on the Oprah Show way back when, but apparently guys do this too for the health benefits. According to Muscle & Fitness Magazine, “Stress drives up the hormone cortisol which leads to a nice layer of flab on your lower belly. Gratitude journals have been proven to reduce stress levels which, in turn, can help you develop those V abs you’ve always been after. Simply write down 6 things that you are grateful for each day. They can be as simple as being grateful for your delicious bowl of oatmeal or a traffic-free ride to work or as major as being thankful that your Dad was able to beat cancer. Not only will this exercise help your physique it should give you a bit of perspective on your day and life.”
iPhone even has an app for this called HappyTapper (for those of you lucky enough to have a smart phone…And speaking of gratitude, I guess I’m grateful to have a cell phone that works.)
Do you have any pre-New Year tips? Do you keep a gratitude journal?
Sheslosingit.net (c) 2012 Lisa Traugott. All rights reserved. No portion of this blog, including any text, photographs, and artwork, may be reproduced or copied without written permission.